Thousands of Sanskrit texts are available only in print. Join our global volunteer effort to digitize these texts and make them accessible to all.
Ongoing projects
- Needs more work
- Proofed once
- Proofed twice
- Not relevant
Ganesha Atharva Shirsham 35 pages
Glossary of Indian Figures of Speech 348 pages
HandWrittenTextText 1 page
Handbook of Classical Sanskrit Rhetoric 262 pages
A dictionary of alaṅkāras. The plan is to link references to alaṅkāras in texts to its entries. The dictionary is 80% english and 20% Sanskrit, so a good choice for a starting proofreader.
Please ignore the mūla text (verses and their transliteration) during the process of proofreading and only concentrate on translations and explanations. [View the talk section for the reason]
Isavasyopanishad 7 pages
Isavasyopanishad Madhyandina 17 pages
Kundakunda-śabda-kośa 368 pages
Laukika-nyāya-kośa 229 pages
A compilation of Laukika-Nyāyas.
Madhurāvijayam of Gaṅgādevī 221 pages
Madhurāvijayam (a.k.a. Vīra-Kamparāya-Caritam) of Gaṅgādevī - with English translation.
Do not proofread this. To be deleted.
Medhasuktam 7 pages
Mixed Devanagari & Telugu 16 pages
A test project for mixed Devanagari + Telugu content.
Nasadiya Suktam 7 pages
PaninIya shikSha - by AvataraSarma 113 pages
Political Concepts in Ancient India 214 pages
Prayers Praises and Psalms 540 pages
Purusha Suktam 7 pages
Rudram with Sayana Bhashya 36 pages
Rudram with Sayana Bhashya (Proofread version is already available elsewhere on the internet.)
sAyaNa-bhAShyA is already available elsewhere on the internet. Correcting just the bhaTTa-bhAskara-bhAShya would have been valuable. However authenticity is doubtful: “ज्ञानयज्ञकर्तुरन्यस्य अर्वाचीनस्य कस्यचित् चतुर्थकाण्डभट्टभास्करभाष्यकोशस्य दहनेन जनितपापपरिहाराय स्मार्तानां कैतवं किञ्चित् मया दृष्टमस्ति, तालपत्रेऽपि लिखितं प्रामाण्यबुद्ध्युत्पादनाय”
Rudrasuktam-Rigvedea 6 pages
SahityaBook3 153 pages
Samasara102 1 page
Sanskruta Sandarbhaha - A Sanskrit Reader
The Epigrams Attributed to Bhartrhari 349 pages
800+ verses that have been attributed to Bhartrihari over the centuries. This can be thought of as an expanded version of Bhartrihari’s Shataka-traya. D.D. Kosambi consulted 377 (!) manuscripts to produce this edition.
The Sāhityakaṇṭakoddhāra 103 pages
To be deleted. A better scan has been uploaded:
Originally from
To my knowledge this bhashya has not been digitized before.
WorksOfSriSankaracharya17-Stotras1_text 304 pages
YajurvedaUpakarmaVidhi 129 pages
aastikatwam-1 80 pages
andariki_sandhyavandanam 72 pages
avyayakośa 436 pages
daśakumāracaritam savyākhyānam 303 pages
indranisaptashati 288 pages
karṇāṭaka-saṅgīta-śabda-kośa 610 pages
prachandachandi-telugu 25 pages
ranapratap_part_1 100 pages
shivashatakamu 14 pages
shyamala-dandakam-samskrutam 6 pages
siddhantabindu 184 pages
test 185 pages
upanayanam_enduku 19 pages
Śrī Sumadhvavijaya Kannaḍa Kāvya 309 pages
śrīnivāsacampū 179 pages
अन्योक्तिमुक्तालाता 23 pages
108 allegorical verses (anyokti) by Shambu, a poet in the court of King Harsha of Kashmir (11th century).
अन्योक्तिमुक्तावलिः 183 pages
अमरुशतकं रसिकसञ्जीविनीसमेतम् 106 pages
Amaru-shataka (Amaru’s Hundred Verses) is perhaps the most celebrated collection of love verses in Sanskrit. It is said that Amaru packs into individual verses, what others take books to express. This edition comes with Arjunavarmadeva’s commentary which provides insights from Alankara-shastra, Natya-shastra, Kama-shastra and more.
अवन्तिसुन्दरीकथा 284 pages
अवन्तिसुन्दरीकथासारः 166 pages
आत्मविलासः विमर्शिनीयुतः 414 pages
आर्यभटीयम् (to be deleted) 133 pages
Do not proofread. This text has been proofed by an IITB project.
आर्यभटीयम् (भटदीपिकासहितम्) 126 pages
आर्यासप्तशती व्याख्यासहिता 244 pages
उपाधिखण्डनम् 73 pages
कनकधारास्तोत्रं सानुवादम् 52 pages
कविकौमुदी 71 pages
An collection of allegorical verses (anyokti) compiled in the 18th or 19th century.
कविरहस्यं व्याख्यासहितम् 64 pages
कादम्बरी 744 pages
कादम्बरीसङ्ग्रहः 222 pages
कामसूत्रं जयमङ्गलासमेतम् 408 pages
The Kamasutra along with a learned commentary called Jayamangala.
काव्यडाकिनि 65 pages
कुवलयानन्दः अलङ्कारचन्द्रिकासमेतः 220 pages
Appayya Dikshita’s immensely popular exposition on alankaras, together with the learned Alankara-chandrika commentary (never typed before). With its carefully curated examples, Kuvalayananda reads like a fine verse anthology in its own right.
कुशकुमुद्वतीयनाटकम् 178 pages
कौटिलीयं अर्थशास्त्रम् (प्रथमो भागः) 69 pages
गङ्गालहरी सव्याख्या 87 pages
गङ्गावतरणम् 80 pages
A very short mahakavya describing Ganga’s descent to the earth. The author is Nilakantha-dikshita of Madurai (17th century), arguably the last great Sanskrit poet.
गणपत्यथर्वशीर्ष (with translation) 30 pages
Text with an English translation
गद्यत्रयं रामानुजकृतं सटीकम् 168 pages
गीतगोविन्दं व्याख्याद्वयसहितम् 204 pages
Kavya on Krishna and Radha, considered one of the masterpieces of Sanskrit. It has inspired song, dance and art for over 800 years. This edition comes with two commentaries, Rasikapriyā and Rasamañjarī.
गीतार्थ सङ्ग्रहः मूलम् 194 pages
Please delete this because digital text for this is already available.
गीतार्थ सङ्ग्रहः हिन्दी व्याख्या सहित 478 pages
गोविन्द-दामोदर-स्तोत्रं सानुवादम् 38 pages
A beautiful small work consisting of 71 verses in praise of Śrī Kṛṣṇa by Śrī Bilvamaṅgalācārya.
Do not proofread. Duplicate. Will be deleted. For latest version go to:
चण्डीशतकं व्याख्यासहितम् 206 pages
चण्डीशतकं व्याख्यासहितम् (clear scan) 210 pages
चण्डीशतकं सूर्यशतकञ्च सानुवादम् 393 pages
चाणक्यराजनीतिः 210 pages
छन्दोऽनुशासनम् 444 pages
An encyclopaedic work on Sanskrit, Prakrit and Apabhramsha prosody by the Jain polymath Acharya Hemachandra (12th century). This edition has been carefully prepared by H.D. Velankar, who was known as the “big fish in the ocean of Sanskrit prosody” (chandas-śāstra-timiṅgilaḥ).
जानकीपरिणयः 116 pages
A mahakavya by Chakrakavi, a talented poet of the 17th century.
तत्त्वमुक्ताकलापः भाग १ 748 pages
तन्त्रसारसङ्ग्रहः व्याख्याद्वयसहितः 229 pages
तिलकमञ्जरीसङ्ग्रहः 60 pages
त्रिपुरविजयचम्पूः 83 pages
दशावतारस्तुतिः कर्णाटानुवादसहिता 41 pages
दशावतारस्तोत्रं व्याख्यानसमेतम् 118 pages
देशीशब्दकोश 640 pages
A dictionary of deśī words culled from Sanskrit and Prakrit works.
ध्वन्यालोकपरिभाषापदकोशः 114 pages
नटराजस्तोत्रं पतञ्जलिविरचितम् 51 pages
नराभरणम् 49 pages
An anonymous anthology of 300 subhashitas composed in a simple style.
नारायणीयं व्याख्यासहितम् 390 pages
नीलकण्ठविजयचम्पूः व्याख्यासहिता 435 pages
नीलकण्ठविरचिता मातङ्गलीला 51 pages
न्याय-पारिभाषिक-शब्दावली 192 pages
न्यायकोशः 1158 pages
न्यायकोशः (To be deleted) 1158 pages
Do not proofread. A better scan has been uploaded.
पञ्चतन्त्रं एडगरटन-पण्डितेन सम्पादितम् 136 pages
पूजासमुच्चयः 282 pages
प्रबन्धचिन्तामणिः 168 pages
A collection of entertaining, semi-historical stories compiled by the Jain scholar Merutunga (14th century). Many popular stories that circulate, including those of Kalidasa and Bhoja, are found here.
भट्टिकाव्यं जयमङ्गलया समेतम् 502 pages
Bhattikavya narrates the story of Rama while demonstrating the finer aspects of Panini’s grammar. Bhattikavya is meant to be read with a learned commentary, and Jayamaṅgalā is the best one we have. Incidentally, the Old Javanese Ramayana is based on the Bhattikavya, not Valmiki’s Ramayana.
भरटकद्वात्रिंशिका 56 pages
भल्लटशतकं व्याख्यासहितं सानुवादम् 196 pages
भीमपराक्रमं 66 pages
मधुराविजयम् 720 pages
Madhuravijayam is a mahakavya by Gangadevi, a princess of Vijayanagara. It describes the victory of her husband, Kumara Kampana, over the Madurai Sultanate.
महिषशतकम् 78 pages
Vancheshvara’s 100 verses in praise of a buffalo. They punningly present a merciless rebuke of the king of Thanjavur. A unique work that draws upon purana, itihasa, arthashastra, dharmashastra and kamashastra for its effects.
The famous stotra that begins with अयि गिरिनन्दिनि, and is widely recited all over India during Navaratri. This edition comes with a Sanskrit commentary—perhaps the only available one—that clarifies the meaning of several difficult sections such as विजितसहस्रकरैकसहस्रकरैकसहस्रकरैकनुते.
To be deleted. Pages are missing. Replacement:
मेघदूतं मल्लिनाथ-व्याख्या-समेतम् 94 pages
The most-read poem in Sanskrit with comments from the most-read commentator. An offline volunteer is already working on proofreading this. Do not take this project up.
मेघदूतस्य मराठ्यनुवादः 80 pages
This edition of Kalidasa’s Megha-sandesha (Cloud Messenger) is accompanied by the commentary Vidyullata, which offers very perceptive readings of the poem, going far beyond the usual grammatical analysis. Like all of Purnasarasvati’s works, it is a model for how kavya commentaries should be written.
रामचरितम् 509 pages
A kavya from Abhinanda, a poet of 9th century Bengal. Simple, clear text with many footnotes.
रामरक्षास्तोत्रं सानुवादम् 20 pages
रुक्मिणीकल्याणमहाकाव्यम् 242 pages
ललितासहस्रनामावलिः मरठ्यनुवादसहिता 256 pages
ललितासहस्रनामावलिः सानुवादा 170 pages
वरदराजस्तवः व्याख्यासहितः 164 pages
वायुस्तुतिः सव्याख्या 128 pages
विग्रहव्यावर्तनी 27 pages
विवेकचूडामणिः आङ्ग्लानुवादसहितः 186 pages
विवेकचूडामणिः कर्णाटानुवादसहितः 303 pages
विवेकचूडामणिः व्याख्यासहितः 278 pages
विष्णुसहस्रनामावलिः शाङ्करभाष्यसमेता 194 pages
वेदान्तसारो बालबोधिनीसहितः 236 pages
शङ्कराभ्युदयं राजचूडामणिदीक्षितविरचितम् 136 pages
शतं सुभाषितानि 11 pages
शाङ्कर-वेदान्त-कोशः 560 pages
शार्ङ्गधरपद्धतिः 777 pages
शार्ङ्गधरपद्धति is one amongst the five great subhashita anthologies that have come down to us. It not only contains 4500+ fine verses on such topics as general wisdom, nature and love, but also on more practical matters like digging wells and evaluating swords.
शिवताण्डवस्तोत्रं व्याख्यासहितम् 28 pages
Śiva-tāṇḍava-stotra along with a hindi translation and Sanskrit commentary.
शिवमहिम्नः स्तोत्रं व्याख्या-सहितम् 72 pages
Well-known Shiva stotra accompanied by Madhusudana Sarasvati’s commentary.
शिवराज्योदयम् 425 pages
उदात्तो विषय उदात्तं च काव्यम्। रम्यम् इदं शिवराज्योदयम् इति महाकाव्यं वर्णेकरश्रीधरकविना विरचितम्। Top grade poem about Shivaji Chatrapati, establisher of Hindavi svarAjya.
शिवस्वरोदय (sivasvarodaya) 112 pages
शुकसप्ततिः 102 pages
Shuka-saptati (The Parrot’s Seventy Tales) is a collection of seventy stories narrated by a pet parrot, one per night, to dissuade a woman from going to meet her lover while her husband is away.
Sixty-five fine Shringara verses by Bhartrisarasvata, a poet from Kashmir (pre-11th century). This forms one chapter of his Suktavali, which is yet to be edited in full.
श्यामलादण्डकम् आङ्ग्लानुवाद-सहितम् 20 pages
श्री-उच्छिष्टगणपतिमन्त्रमातृकास्तवः 20 pages
A hymn on Ucchishta-ganapati.
श्रीरामदण्डकः (सव्याख्यः) 34 pages
A beautiful Daṇḍaka hymn in praise of his tutelary deity - Śrī Mūlarāma by Śrī Sumatīndra Tīrthā with his own vyākhya. The work testaments the prolificity of Śrīācārya who was no mere doctrinaire, but also a great and keen Ālaṃkārika.
श्रीमत्सुमतीन्द्रतीर्थाः श्रीरामदण्डक इति श्रीमूलरामस्तुत्यात्मकं आपादमस्तकवर्णनरूपं ग्रन्थं, तद्व्याख्यानं च चक्रुः।
श्रीसुधर्मेन्द्रमहोदयः 20 pages
अस्याः सुधर्मेन्द्रमहोदयनामिकायाः लघुकृतेः अलंकारशास्त्रैकदेशलक्षणग्रन्थरूपायाः लक्ष्यरूपा: श्रीसुधर्मेन्द्रतीर्थमहोदयाः पूर्वाश्रमे भारद्वाजगोत्रोद्भवाः श्रीगणेशाचार्यनाम्ना प्रसिद्धवैयाकरणाः श्रीसुज्ञानेन्द्रतीर्थश्रीपादानां प्रीत्यादरभाजनान्यभूवन् । श्रीसुज्ञानेन्द्रतीर्थगुरुभ्य एव स्वीकृततुर्याश्रमाः मंत्रालयक्षेत्रे बहुवर्षपर्यन्तं श्रीमूलरामपूजां श्रीगुरुराजसेवां च निर्वहन्त एते आचार्येभ्यः त्रिंशाः परमहंसाः हंसनामकपरमात्मनः दिग्विजयविद्यासिंहासनं पर्यभूषयन् मंत्रालयक्षेत्रे गुरुगजसन्निधावेव वृन्दावनं प्रविश्य हरिध्यानपरायणा अभवन् ।
संस्कृत-हिन्दी कोश (आप्टे) 24 pages
A Hindi translation of Apte’s Sanskrit-English dictionary, since a high-quality digitization doesn’t exist already. Low priority.
संस्कृतद्वितीयादर्शः 129 pages
सर्वलक्षणसङ्ग्रहः 162 pages
साङ्ख्य-योग-कोशः 193 pages
सुभाषितनीवी 129 pages
पूर्वम् एव परिष्कृतं लभ्यते सटीकं सानुवादम्। श्रमो व्यर्थो मा भूद् इह।
Collection of subhashitas authored by the Shrivaishnava philosopher and poet, Vedanta Deshika. A Sanskrit commentary is included.
सुभाषितावलिः 859 pages
Subhashitavali is one of the largest and finest collections of subhashitas that have come down to us. It was compiled in 15th century Kashmir. A partial transcript till verse 1040 is available here.
सूक्तिमुक्तावली भगदत्तजल्हणविरचिता 642 pages
A fine verse anthology produced in the Deccan (13th century).
सोमनाथशतकम् 41 pages
111 subhashitas full of wordplay by Maudgali Somanatha (16th century).
सौन्दर्यलहरी लक्ष्मीधरव्याख्यासहिता 454 pages
स्तुतिकुसुमाञ्जलिः व्याख्यासहिता 480 pages
स्त्रीधर्मपद्धतिः 280 pages
स्रग्धरास्तोत्रम् 314 pages
हंससंदेशः 240 pages
A संदेशकाव्य by Vedanta Deshika, with commentary.
An e-text of this poem exists, but one of the commentary doesn’t. A commentary will be a very valuable addition.
हनुमन्नाटकं - दीपिकाव्याख्या 224 pages
हनुमन्नाटकं - मूलम् 106 pages
Mula shlokas from Hanumannatakam compiled and produced by MAHARISHI UNIVERSITY OF MANAGEMENT VEDIC and ITHIHASA LITERATURE COLLECTION
हयवदनशतकम् 123 pages
One hundred verses by Bellamkonda Ramaraya on his favourite deity, Hayagriva.
हर्षचरितसङ्ग्रहः 96 pages
శ్రీరామపరివార స్తోత్రములు 14 pages
శ్రీరామపరివార స్తోత్రములు