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A Handbook of Classical Sanskrit Rhetoric
(i) inter-dependence (ānugatya),
(ii) cause-and-effect (kärya kāraṇa),
(iii) coherence (samarthya),
(iv) invariable concomittance (vyāpya-vyāpaka),
(v) general-and-particular (sāmānya-višeṣa).
Here the process of corroboration happens thus:
(a) one general idea supported by a particular,
(b) one particular idea supported by a general,
(c) an effect supported by a cause,
(d) a cause supported by an effect,
The supporting statement is normally placed after the proposi-
tion to be supported, but this order may also be reversed.
The fourfold division of this figure mentioned above may be
based on resemblance and non-resemblance, which again may be
paronomastic or non-paronomastic. So Arthantaranyāsa can be
applied in eight varieties.
The figure is different from Drstanta (Exemplification) and
Partivastupamā. In Arthantaranyāsa, the two statements stand in
relation to general-and-particular proposition, but in case of
Dṛṣṭānta and Prativastupamā it is not so. In Dṛṣṭānta a general
proposition is supported by another such proposition or a particu-
lar is strengthend by another particular one, and there is a relation
of coherence between the two. In Partivastupamā, there is a rela-
tion of comparison between the two, one being the standard of com-
parison (upamāna) and the other object of comparison (upameya).
The last two varieties of Arthantaranyāsa (based on the relation
of cause-and-effect) as supported by Ruyyaka and Viśvanātha, parc-
tically belong to the domain of Kavyalinga. The corroboration as
represented here in the present figure, according to most of the
rhetoricians, is based on the relation of universal-and-
general (sāmānya-viseṣa-bhava).
Arthāntaranyāsa is one of the popular figures of speech and this
type of rhetoric expression is found to be very common with the
Sanskrit poets.
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