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singing in a sweet voice accompanied by the

tune of Veena hightened by the hum of bees

attracted by the fragrance of the ornamental

designs drawn with Kasturi over the cheeks,
the beauty of which is enhanced by the rays of

the beauty of which is enhanced by the rays of
the moon-like row of pearls of the ear-ornament

(Vali) ;


न्विते, सिद्धसम्मानिते, दिव्यहालामदोद्वेलहेलालसच्चक्षुरान्दो

लनश्री समाक्षिप्त कर्णैकनीलोत्पले, श्यामले, पूरिताशेषलोकाभि-

वाञ्छाफले, निर्मले, श्रीफले;

Oh! Syamala, the spotless one who fulfils
the desires of all and bestows wealth, who is

the desires of all and bestows wealth, who is
honoured by the Siddhas* and is adorned with

a beautiful palm-leaf (Gold-plate) ear ornament

tossed (by the motion of the head) while playing
on Veena
on Veena.
Whose tremulous eyes, shining more

on account of the sportive movements resulting

from the intoxication caused by the celestial

wine, have vanquished the splendour of the

blue lotus kept over the ear;

स्वेद विबिन्दुदू सत्फाललावण्य नि: निःष्यन्दसन्दोहसन्देहकृन्ना-

सिकामौक्तिके, सर्वमन्त्रात्मिके, कालिके;

*Siddhas— a type of demi-gods or men who

have acquired supernatural powers.d