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श्यामलायाः मुखवर्णना
in the midst of the Bilva-forest grown in the
charming gem-island (situated) in the centre of
the nectar-ocean;
सादराव्धसङ्गीत सम्भावनासम्भ्रमालोलनीपस्नगाबद्ध
चूलीसनाथत्रके, सानुमत्पुत्रिके, शेखरीभूतशीतांशुरेखामयूखा-
चलीबद्ध सुस्निग्धनीलालक श्रेणिशृङ्गारिते,
कामलीलाधनुःसन्निभ भ्रूलतापुष्पसन्दोहसन्देहकुल्लो चने,
वाक्सुधासेचने ;
Oh! the revered daughter of the mountain
showering the nectar of speech, possessed of a
neck adorned with the garland of Neepa flowers
shaken by the nod of the head while appreciating
the music commenced with devotion; beautified
by the dark glossy forelocks brightened by the
rays of the moon adorning the head and endowed
with eyes appearing as if they were the flowers
of the creeper of eye-brows charming like the
bow of Cupid ;
चारुगोरोचनापङ्ककेलीललामाभिरामे, सुरामे, रमे,
भोल्लसद्वालिका मौक्तिकश्रेणिका चन्द्रिकामण्डलोद्भासि लावण्य-
गण्डस्थलन्यस्त कस्तूरिकापत्ररेखासमुद्भूत सौरभ्यसम्भ्रान्तभृङ्गा-
ङ्गनागीतसान्द्रीभवन्मन्द्रतन्त्री स्वरे, सुखरे, भाखरे,
Oh Lakshmi! the most beautiful and lust-
rous, charming with the ornamental tilaka
marked by the beautiful yellow pigment, and