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श्यामलादण्ड के

सर्वसर्वात्मिके ! सर्वगे ! हे जगन्मातृके ! पाहि मां, पाहि मां,

पाहि मां; देवि! तुभ्यं नमो, देवि! तुभ्यं नमो, देवि! तुभ्यं

नमः ॥
॥ ७ ॥

Description of Syamala as Omnipresent.

Oh! the mother of the universe, thou art

Omnipresent. Thou appearest in the form of

all holy places and rivers, all the Vedas and

charms, all the Yantras 1 and Chakras, I all
1 all
powers, all respected chairs, all principles, all

learnings, all Yogas, all sounds, letters and

words, all the worlds, all vows and the entire

universe; Save me, Save me, Save me, oh!

goddess, My salutations unto Thee, My saluta-

tions unto Thee, My salutations unto Thee.

इति श्रीमहाकविकालिदासप्रणीतं

श्यामलादण्डकं संपूर्णम् ॥

¹ Yantras and Chakras are the various

charms and diagrams used in the worship of

Goddess Kali which possess great powers.

Printed at The Scholar Press, Palghat,