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सर्वविद्याविशेषात्मकं चादुटुगाथासमुच्चारणं कण्ठमूलोल्लसत्-

वर्णराजित्रयं कोमलश्यामलोदारपक्षद्वयं तुण्डशोभातिदूरीभवलिंकत्किं-

शुकं तं शुकं लालगन्ती परिक्रीडसे
||५ ||
Thou playest fondling that parrot which

is the embodiment of all learnings, which recites

beautiful verses, and is possessed of three

beautiful lines round the neck, a pair of soft,

green and attractive wings and a beak which

vanquishes the Palasa flower by its beauty

(colour and shape).

श्यामलायाः सर्वैश्वर्य प्रदायकत्ववर्णना

पाणिपद्मद्वयेनाक्षमालामपि स्फाटिकीं ज्ञानसारात्मकं

पुस्तकं चापरेणाङ्कुशं पाशमा बिभ्रती येन सञ्चिन्त्यसे चेतसा

तस्य वक्तात्रान्तरात् गद्यपद्यात्मिका भारती निस्सरेत्

Description of Syamala as the giver of boons

Poetry in prose and verse come out of the

mouth of those who contemplate Thy Form,

holding in one pair of lotus-like hands the

rosary of crystal beads and the book which

contains the essence of knowledge, and in the

other pair, the rope and the spear;

येन वा यावकाभाकृतिर्भाव्यसे तस्य वश्या भवन्ति

स्त्रियः पुपूरुषाः । येन वा शातकुम्भद्युतिर्भाव्यसे सोऽपि लक्ष्मी-