2022-09-14 12:34:50 by ambuda-bot
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श्यामलायाः सर्वैश्वर्य प्रदाय कवर्णना
Gandharvas and Siddhas, honoured
by Cupid and (his wife) Rati and pleased by
the happy spring;
भक्तिभाजां परं श्रेयसे कल्पसे, योगिनां मानसे द्योतसे,
छन्दसाम् ओजसे भ्राजसे ॥
Thou conferest prosperity to the devotees,
shinest in the minds of Yogins and appearest
in the Vedic hymns (Mantras) to make them
गीतविद्याविनोदातितृष्णेन कृष्णेन सम्पूज्यसे । भक्ति-
मच्चेतसा वेधसा स्तूयसे । विश्वद्येन वाद्येन विद्याधरैर्गीयसे ॥
Thou art worshipped by Krishna who craves
for the pleasure of music, praised by Brahma
with a devoted mind and sung by the Vidya-
dharas in their musical instruments
delight the whole world;
श्रवणहरणदक्षिणक्काणया वीणया किन्नरैर्गीयसे ॥
The Kinnaras sing Thy glory accompanied
by Veena whose tune is pleasing to the ears;
यक्षगन्धर्वसिद्धाङ्गनामण्डलैरर्च्यसे । सर्वसौभाग्यवाञ्छा-
वतीभिः वधूभिः सुराणां समाराध्यसे ।
Thou art adored by the women of Yakshas,
Ganddharvas and Siddhas and art propitiated
by celestial women desirous of obtaining all
(kinds of) happiness.
Gandharvas and Siddhas, honoured
by Cupid and (his wife) Rati and pleased by
the happy spring;
भक्तिभाजां परं श्रेयसे कल्पसे, योगिनां मानसे द्योतसे,
छन्दसाम् ओजसे भ्राजसे ॥
Thou conferest prosperity to the devotees,
shinest in the minds of Yogins and appearest
in the Vedic hymns (Mantras) to make them
गीतविद्याविनोदातितृष्णेन कृष्णेन सम्पूज्यसे । भक्ति-
मच्चेतसा वेधसा स्तूयसे । विश्वद्येन वाद्येन विद्याधरैर्गीयसे ॥
Thou art worshipped by Krishna who craves
for the pleasure of music, praised by Brahma
with a devoted mind and sung by the Vidya-
dharas in their musical instruments
delight the whole world;
श्रवणहरणदक्षिणक्काणया वीणया किन्नरैर्गीयसे ॥
The Kinnaras sing Thy glory accompanied
by Veena whose tune is pleasing to the ears;
यक्षगन्धर्वसिद्धाङ्गनामण्डलैरर्च्यसे । सर्वसौभाग्यवाञ्छा-
वतीभिः वधूभिः सुराणां समाराध्यसे ।
Thou art adored by the women of Yakshas,
Ganddharvas and Siddhas and art propitiated
by celestial women desirous of obtaining all
(kinds of) happiness.