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by the sweet jingling noise of the girdle, and

has conquered the golden peak (of Sumeru) by

the splendour of the loins shining with the

girdle set with rubies;

श्यामलायाः पादवर्णना

विकसितनव किंशुकाताम्र दिव्यांशु कच्छन्नचारूरुशोभा-

पराभूत सिन्दूरशोणायमानेन्द्रमातङ्गहस्तार्गले,


श्यामले, कामलस्निग्घनीलोत्पलोत्पादिता नङ्गतूणीरशङ्का करादार

जङ्गगघालते, चारुलीलागते, नम्रदिक्पालसीमन्तिनी कुन्तलस्निग्ध-

नीलप्रभापुञ्ज सञ्जात दूर्वाङ्कुराशङ्क सारङ्गसंयोग रिङ्खन्नखेन्दुज्ज्वले,

प्रोज्ज्वले, निर्मले;

Description of Syamala's Legs & Feet.

Oh! the spotless and bright Syamala of un-

challenged prowess; who walks gracefully, who

has vanquished the sturdy trunk of Indra's

elephant rendered red with sindura, by the

beauty of the fascinating thighs dressed with

superior silk red like Palasa flowers, whose

beautiful shanks look as though they are the

quivers of Cupid made of soft blue lotuses, and

who is bright with the nails shining like the

moon which is free from the spot of deer that

has gone (as it were) with the impression, of

Durva grass caused by the mass of blue lustre

of the tresses of the wives of the guardians of

the extremities (Dikpalakas) who prostrate

(at Thy feet);