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श्यामलायाः शरीरवर्णना
तारकाराजिनीकाशहारावलिस्मेर चारुस्तनाभोगभारा-

नमन्मध्य वल्लीवलिच्छेद वीची समुल्लाससन्दर्शिताकारसौन्दर्य-

रत्नाकरे, ल्लकीभृत्करे, किङ्करथीश्रीकरे; हेमकुम्भोपमोत्तुङ्ग

क्षोजभारावनम्रे, त्रिलोकावनम्रे; लसद्वृत्तगम्भीरनाभीसर-

स्तीरशैवालशङ्काकरश्यामरोमावलीभूषणे, मञ्जुसम्भाषणे;

Oh! the giver of wealth to the devotees and

the bearer of Veena in the hand, who is pro-

strated by the three worlds and is bending by

the weight of lofty breasts charming like golden

pots, who is endowed with an ocean of beauty

exhibiting its form by the moving waves of the

three folds (visible) on the creeper-like waist

bending by the weight of the broad and fasci-

nating breasts smiling (as it were) with the

pearl-necklace glittering like a row of stars, who

is beautified by the thin line of dark hairs

(लोमराजि) which produce the impression of the

moss on the shore of the tank of the beautiful,

deep, and circular navel and who speaks pleas-

ingly ;

चारुशिश्ञ्त्कटीसूत्र निर्भर्त्सितानङ्गलीलाधनु: नुःशिञ्जि-

नीडम्बरे, दिव्यरत्नाम्बरे, पद्मरागोल्लसम्मेखलाभास्वरश्रोणि-

शोभाजित स्वर्णभूभृत्तले, चन्द्रिकाशीतले ॥

Oh! the wearer of a gem-set garment who

is refreshing like the moonlight, who has van-

quished the famous twang of Manmatha's bow