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Sāraḥ Climax
exhibited as gradually stepping forward in essence or some objects

are put one after another according to their merit in a compara-

tively higher order, it is Sāra. Most of the rhetoricians accept the fol-

lowing difinition: Sāra implies gradual heightening of excellence of

the things put in a proper order of sequence. But Jagannātha and

Jayaratha think that the reverse process (ie gradual degree of defei-

ciency) may also be taken as instances of Sāra. Therefore, in English

it may be termed as Climax as well as anti-Climax.

The figure Vardhamaānaka defined by Sobhākara is no other than

Sāra. The figures known as Ekaāvaliī, Kāraṇamālā, Sāra and

Mālādiīpaka bear the same basic feature that in each of them there is

a chain of things put in an order. Therefore, scholars like Jayaratha

and Jagannaātha have raised the question - whether these alamkāras

ought to be recognised separately or not. On this problem both are

mous on the point that these four form a class of figures like

some other classes (such as Rūpaka and Pariņāma).

eg 1. madhuram madhu tasmācca sudhā tasyāḥ kaver vacaḥ

मधुरं मधु तस्माच्च सुधा तस्याः कवेर्वचः

Honey is sweet, sweeter than honey is nectar,

But even than that poetry is sweeter.

2. dānam vittādṛtam vācaḥ kiīrti-dharmau tathāyuṣaḥ.

paropakaraṇam kāyād asārat sāram uddharet.
āt sāram uddharet.
दानं वित्तादृतं वाचः / कीर्तिधमार्मौ तथायुषः ।

परोपकरणं कायाद् / असारात् सारमुद्धरेत् ॥

Charity is better than wealth, truth than words of strife

So also fame and virtue better than long life;

Philanthropy better than this frame mundane.

From all worthless things the essence has to be taken.


यत्र यथासमुदायाद्यथेकदेशं क्रमेण गुणवदिति ।

निर्धार्यते परावधि निरतिशयं तद् भवेत् सारम् ॥ रु. का. ७.९६

उत्तरोत्तरमुत्कर्षो भवेत् सारः परावधिः । का. प्र. १९०.१२३

उत्तरोत्तरमुत्कर्षः सारः । अ. स. ५६

समुदायाद् उत्कृष्टोत्कृष्टनिर्धारणं सारम् । वा. ५३
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