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A Handbook of Classical Sanskrit Rhetoric
रात्रिर्गमिष्यति भविष्यति सुप्रभातम्

भास्वानुदेष्यति हसिष्यति पंकजश्रीः ।
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इत्थं विचिन्तयति कोशगते द्विरेफे
हा हन्त हन्त नलिनीं गज उज्जहारः ॥

Night will pass away, dawn will file,

The sun will rise, beauty of the lotuses will smile
The suninking thus the bee will riseaited inside the lotus
While the elephant ate it up
, beauty of the lotuses will smile -
Thinking thus the bee waited inside the lotus
While the elephant ate it up,
Oh alas!


इष्यमाणविरुद्धार्थसम्प्राप्तिस्तु विषादनम् । च. ५४८

इष्यमाणविरुद्धार्थप्राप्तिस्तु विषादनम् । कु. ६८.१३२

अभीष्टार्थविरुद्धलाभो विषादनम् । र. २

व्यतिरेकः Vyatirekaḥ
: VyatirekaḥDissimilitude : Dissimilitude :

The word vyatireka (vi ati fric a < ghañ) denotes contrast, difference

or distinction. As a figure of speech Vyatireka brings the idea of con-

trast or dissimilitude of similar objects compared to each other in

some respect. Here the contrast lies in the fact that the object of

comparison (ie upameya) is represented as superior or inferior to

the standard of comparison (ie upamāna).

The cause of such excellence or defeiciency of the subject in

hand may be explicitly stated by words of comparison (like iva,

yathā) or expressed by sense through words of similitude. (like

tulya, samāna, samkāśa)

Here the superiority of one or inferiority of the other may be

clearly expressed or suggested through the application of one qual-

ity or qualities or by some opposite quality or qualities. In such fig-

urative statement, excellence or defeciency is not factual but
iciency is not factual but
purely based on poetic fancy.
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According to Daṇḍin, plain contrast or dissimilitude between

two objects is the basic concept of this alamkāra. Bhāmaha called it

viseșśeṣa-nidarśana or exhibition of some special distincittion. Bhoja also says

that some sort of difference between two similar objects is poeti-
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