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A Handbook of Classical Sanskrit Rhetoric
alternatives before her --either she should be reunited with her

partner, or otherwise it would be unbearable for her to pass the

rainy days without his company, and that means nothing but death.

In the second poem, the lover brings out the most pitiable con-

dition of even the precious necklace made of pearls lying uncared

for on the bosom of his beloved, and therefore, the condition of the

lover, a human being, guided by sexual impulse, should be more

pathetic. The alternate condition ie the preference of the lover in

lieu of the jewel necklace near her heart is no better at all.


तुल्यबलविरोधो विकल्पः । अ. स. ६५

तुल्यप्रमाणवैशिष्ट्यात् प्राप्तावेकत्र यौगपद्येन ।

उभयोः समानबलयोः स्फुरति विरोधे विकल्प इत्युक्तः ॥ ए. ८.५६

विकल्पस्तुल्यबलयोर्विरोधश्चातुरीयुतः । स. १०.८३

विरोधे तुल्यबलयोर्विकल्पालंकृतिर्मता । प्र. य. ८.२४०; कु. ५८.११

विरुद्धयोः पाक्षिको प्राप्तिर्विकल्पः । र. २

Vikasvaraḥ: Expansion:

The word vikasvara means opening, expanding, blossoming etc. When

some particular or general proposition is poetically represented in

order to support some other particular or general proposition, the

figure of speech is called Vikasvara. Jayadeva and Appayya have

tried to single out slight difference between Arthāntaranyāsa and

Vikasvara. According to them, in the present figure of speech, one

particular statement is supported by some general statement which

is again supported by another general proposition. According to

Mammaţa and others, Vikasvara should be included in

Arthāntaranyāsa. Jagannātha also says that it should not be treated

as a separate figure since it is in no way different from

Arthāntaranyāsas or Samsrstṃsṛṣṭi (ie a combination of a pair of

Arthaāntaranyāsa or an Arthaāntaranyāsa and Upamā.

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यस्मिन् विशेषसामान्यविशेषाः स विकस्वरः । च. कु. ६२।१२४
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