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Gatiḥ: Movement
By her charming dalliance, sweet words and glances

Vallakiī, kunda, srak and indiīvara become defeated.


उपमेयोपमानानां क्रमसंबन्धः क्रमः । का. सू. ४.३.१३

शब्दस्य यदि वार्थस्य द्वयोरप्यनयोरथ ।

भणनं परिपाट्या यत् क्रमः स परिकीर्तितः ॥ स. क. ४.७६

गतिः Gatih
: GatihMovement: Movement:

√gam ti <ktin = gati means movement, speed, going, advancing etc. It is

an uncommon figure recognised by Bhoja only. Unlike other fig-

ures it has nothing to do with the poetic excellence of word or

meaning or dialogue or speech. Gati has been given special impor-

tance by Bharata in his Nāṭyaśāstra. On the basis of Bhoja's treat-

ment of this figure it is explained as some sort of stylistic pattern of

poetry with regard to phonetic timbre, mode of pronunciation,

musical tune or melody. Bhoja considers its importance purely

from the literary value when it stands separated from the domain
of music and drama.

of music and drama.
According to Bhoja Gati is fivefold:

(i) drutăā (set to quick movement),

madhyā (set to moderate movement),

vilambitäā (set to slow movement),

(iv) druta-vilambitā (set to a mixture of quick and

slow movement),

(v) madhya-vilambitā (set to mixture of moderate and

slow movement).

The following verse is an example of moderate movement:

eg 1. ayi vijahiīhi dṛḍhopaguhanam
tyaja nava-sangama-bbirukam vallabham.

aruṇa-karodgama eșa vartate
varatanu sam
ṣa vartate
varatanu saṃ
pravadanti kukkutāḥ.
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