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A Handbook of Classical Sanskrit Rhetoric
Here the moral code of non-violence has been preached
through poetic expression.
आप्तवचनमागमः । श्रृ. १०
31qf: Avṛttiḥ : Repetition :
a furt ti (ktin) avritti denotes coming back, reversion, revolving,
occurence, repetition etc.
As a figure of speech Avṛtti occurs when word and meaning
both are repeated. In Dipaka also such recurrence happens, so
Visvanātha includes it under Dipaka (Illumination). But Daṇḍin
recognises it as a separate figure of speech and refers to its three
(i) repetion of word / words,
repetition of meaning, and
repetition of both word and meaning
It is otherwise called Avṛtti-dipaka and should be treated as a
variety of Alliteration.
eg 1. śaile śaile na manikyam /mauktikam na gaje gaje.
sādhavo na hi sarvatra / candanam na vane vane.
शैले शैले न माणिक्यं / मौक्तिकं न गजे गजे।
साधवो न हि सर्वत्र / चन्दनं न वने वने ॥
Gems are not (to be found) in each and every mountain,
Ivory is not (to be found) in each and every elephant,
The pious are not (to be found) everywhere
Sandal in each and every forest is but rare.
अर्थावृत्तिः पदावृत्तिरुभयावृत्तिरेव वा ।
दीपकस्थान एवेष्टमलंकाररत्रयं तु नः । का. २.१६६ ।
आवृत्तेदीपकपदे भवेदावृत्तिदीपकम् । च.
त्रिविधं दीपकावृत्तौ भवेदावृत्तिदीपकम् । कु.
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