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vikrānta, 'overstepped': (1) a type of yamaka in which the second and
fourth pādas are the same. (2) NŚ 16.70 (71), AP 343.16. (3) sa
pūrvam vāraṇo bhūtvā dviśṛīga iva parvataḥ / abhavad dantavaikalyād
viśṛnga iva parvataḥ (Bharata: "That elephant was formerly like a
two-peaked mountain, but now, for the loss of his tusks, is like a
peakless mountain"). (4) The form is: x A x A. (5) Bharata, as usual,
allows entire words to be repeated. Compare sandaştaka yamaka.
vyapeta, 'interrupted': (1) a type of yamaka in which the repeated se-
quences are not contiguous. (2) D 3.1, 19 (20-32), AP 343.12. (3)
karo'titāmro rāmāṇām tantrītāḍanavibhramam । karoti sérsye [or
sêrşyam (D. T. Tatacharya)] kante ca śravaṇôtpalatādanam (Daṇḍin:
"The red-lac'd hands of the beloved coquettishly strum the lute;
and when her lover makes her angry, they disarrange the flowers at
her ear"). (4) The form, for this example only, is: Axx xxx Axx xxx.
(5) Dandin gives thirteen examples without introducing special
terminology. They illustrate various possible loci of the interrupted
sequences and could be classified in the same way as uninterrupted
yamakas (see pädâdi, pâdamadhya, pädânta).
vyapetâvyapeta, 'interrupted-uninterrupted': (1) a type of yamaka in
which a contiguous repeated sequence is itself repeated in a non-
contiguous place. (2) D 3.33 (34-36), AP 343.12. (3) kâlam kālam
anālakṣyatāratārakam īkşitum । täratâramyarasitam kālam kālama-
hāghanam (Daṇḍin: "What woman is able to look at the great black
rain clouds in their season, hiding the myriads of stars and, death-
like and fearsome, resounding in the great distances"). (5) Daṇḍin
gives two other examples illustrating different loci for this non-
contiguous repetition of contiguous repetitions. See vyapeta yamaka.
vyasta, 'separated': (1) a type of yamaka in which the repeated elements
are the second half of the third pada and the first half of the fourth
pāda. (2) R 3.23 (25). (3) paśyanti pathikāḥ kōmaśikhidhūmaśikhām
iva / imām padmalayâlīnām layâlīnām mahâvalim (Rudrata: "The
passersby observe a great column of bees, thickly entwined, above
the lotus pond, like a tongue of smoke from the fire of Love").
(4) The form is: xx xx xA Ax. (5) The name probably signifies only
that this is half of a samasta (complete) yamaka. The same pattern
in the first two pādas is called antâdika.
śikhā, 'tuft': (1) a type of yamaka in which the last half of each pāda is a
yamaka consisting of repeated quarter pädas. (2) R 3.40 (42).
(3) yāsām citte māno'māno nārīr bhūyo'ram tā rantā । sārapremā
sannâsannā jayetaîvânantā nantā (Rudrața: "May the virtuous man,