Dictionary lookup
This simple and fast lookup tool includes several popular dictionaries. It auto-detects the common input schemes, including Devanagari, IAST, Harvard-Kyoto, and SLP1. It also supports regional scripts like Kannada and Telugu.
Notes on specific dictionaries:
The Apte dictionary uses special conventions so that its entries take up less space on a printed page (e.g. पंक्तिः and वनम् instead of पङ्क्ति and वन. Our dictionary optionally supports these conventions: you are free to follow or ignore them as you wish.
The शब्दकल्पद्रुमः generally expects that nominals are given in their प्रथमा-एकवचनम् form instead of their प्रातिपदिक form (नरः and राजा instead of नर and राजन्) and that roots are stated in their Paninian form (चर and षह instead of चर् and सह्).
The वाचस्पत्यम् generally expects that roots are stated in their Paninian form (चर and षह instead of चर् and सह्).
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