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at Chidambaram before entering into the Lord's
shining Sabha of gold also begins with the word
The Poet's experience while enjoying
Varadaraja appears to have been akin to his last
experiences when he was throwing off his mortal
Sloka 81: The idea in this sloka is original and
charming. Varadaraja does not bear the Varadana-
mudra. Why? Does not His name itself bear the
impress of Varadana. When express speech itself
conveys the idea, is it not superfluous to suggest an
inference of the same idea by mere linga (sign)?
Sloka 97: The Devotee rising up slowly from
the Lord's feet reaches the lovely aud cool moonlike
light of the Lord's smile and is purified and refresh
ed after his ascent. The Poet points out in his com-
mentary that the Bhagavatam emphasises the en-
joyment of the Lord's smile while contemplating
His lovely image.
पादादि यावद्धसितं गदाभृतः ।
What if the Lord bears the Gada? Will He not
smile in all grace upon His Devotee? The Poet
seems to suggest that the smile is the dawn of the
Lord's pleasure and grace and the reward for the