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use of the expression
is evidently a re-
minder of the Yoga Sutra although he does not
specially point it out in his commentary. The true
Yogi rises above all bias, prejudices and distinctions
and views all life alike and himself as one with it.
The second sloka is
first half is distinctly taken
विष्णो जायमानो न जातो देव
simply exquisite. The
from the Sruti
महिम्नः परमं तमाप । &S
he commentary points out. The Sruti with its
unquestionable liberty puts the 'to be born' before
'the born'; the poet adopts the natural order. The
Sruti may call in aid the Mimamsa Nyaya of the
precedence of the Arthakrama over the Padakrama
for its correct interpretation. The third Pada is
distinctly after the manner of the 3rd Pada of the
second sloka of Desikar's Varadarajastavam given
मुह्यन्त्यभङ्गुरधियो मुनिसार्वभौमाः ।
तस्यैव ते स्तुतिषु साहसमश्नुवानः
क्षन्तव्य एष भवता करिशैलनाथ ॥
The words तस्य स्तुतौ तव तरङ्गितसाहसिक्य: of
the 3rd Pada here are so closely alike those of the
3rd Pada above that there can be no doubt that