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Desikar has written commentaries himself on some
of his Sastraic poems. Our author has written
commentaries on some of his poems which are
synopses of Vedantic systems in sweet and learned
verses. This poem has excellent merit as a work
of poetry and it is very lucky that we are given a
full insight into the poet's heart, Kavihridaya by
a complete exposition from his own pen. The
author of the Rasikaranjini, a commentary on
the Kuvalayananda appears to have had access to
this commentary.
His commentary on the
mangala sloka of the Kuvalayananda which is the
first sloka of this poem is a verbatim copy of the
poet's commentary. The author of the Rasika-
ranjini belonged to Dikshitar's family and must
have read this work.
In our life of Dikshitar printed in 1909 as
an introduction to the second volume of Yada-
vabhyudayam we voiced our high admiration
for his great catholicity. This poem and the
commentary not only confirm what
we have
said in that direction, but also make us feel
that We have not given enough praise. In
these days of bitter communalism and fanaticism,
it is certainly very refreshing to find such noble
examples of genuine and generous catholicity as