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• आनन्दमयकोशस्य सुषुप्तौ स्फूतिरुत्कटा ।
स्वप्नजागरयो रीष दिष्टसंदर्शनादिना ॥ २०८ ॥
208. The blissful sheath has its fullest play during pro-
found sleep, while in the dreaming and wakeful states it
has only a partial manifestation, occasioned by the sight!
of agreeable objects and so forth.
['Sight etc - Actual sense-perception (in the waking state). or
memory-impressions (in dream).]
नैवायमांनन्दमयः परात्मा
सोपाधिकत्वात्प्रकृतेविकारात् ।
कार्यत्वहेतोः सुकृतक्रियाया
विकारसंघांतसमाहितत्वात् ॥ २०९ ॥
209. Nor is the blissful sheath the Supreme Self, because
it is endowed with changeful attributes, is a modifica-
tion of the Prakrti, is the effect of past good deeds, and
imbedded in the other sheaths which are modifications.
पञ्चानामपि कोशानां निषेधे युक्तितः श्रुतेः ।
तन्निषेधावधि साक्षी बोधरूपोऽवशिष्यते ॥ २१० ॥
[Umbedded etc. - The reference is again to Taittiriya, 2nd chapter,
where the five Kosas are spoken of as being similar in shape and one
inside the other, the Annamaya or material sheath being the outermost
and Anandamaya the innermost.]
210. When all the five sheaths have been eliminated by
the reasoning on Sruti passages, what remains as the
culminating point 2 of the process, is the Witness, the
Knowledge Absolute-the Atman.