2023-02-20 14:33:21 by ambuda-bot
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the following reasons-because it is subject to change, is
insentient, is a limited thing, an object of the senses, and
is not constantly present: An unreal thing cannot indeed
be taken for the real Ätman.
[Subject to change-Whereas the Atman is changeless, Knowledge
Absolute, unlimited, the eternal subject, and the universal substratum of
all things. Just as the rope is the only reality with regard to the mistaken
snake-idea etc. I
स्यादानन्दमयः प्रियादिगुणक: स्वेष्टार्थ लाभोदयः ।
पुण्यस्यानुभवे विभाति कृतिनामानन्दरूपः स्वयं
सर्वो नन्दति यत्र साधु तनुभृन्मात्रः प्रयत्नं विना
207. The blissful sheath (Anandamaya Kosa) is that
modification of nescience which manifests itself catching
a reflection of the Atman which is Bliss Absolute; whose
attributes are pleasure and the rest; and which appears in
view when some object agreeable to oneself presents itself.
It makes itself spontaneously felt by the fortunate during
the fruition of their virtuous deeds; from which every
corporeal being derives great joy without the least effort.
[Modification etc.-The experience of the Sugupti state will be
spoken of in the next śloka as the typical enjoyment of the Inandamaya
Kola. And deep sleep is always a state of intense ignorance. Hence
this sheath must be a modification of nescience.
2Pleasure etc.-The reference is to Taittiriya, II. 5, where Priya,
Moda and Pramoda (various degrees of enjoyment) are said to be attributes
of the Anandamaya Kofa. ]
the following reasons-because it is subject to change, is
insentient, is a limited thing, an object of the senses, and
is not constantly present: An unreal thing cannot indeed
be taken for the real Ätman.
[Subject to change-Whereas the Atman is changeless, Knowledge
Absolute, unlimited, the eternal subject, and the universal substratum of
all things. Just as the rope is the only reality with regard to the mistaken
snake-idea etc. I
स्यादानन्दमयः प्रियादिगुणक: स्वेष्टार्थ लाभोदयः ।
पुण्यस्यानुभवे विभाति कृतिनामानन्दरूपः स्वयं
सर्वो नन्दति यत्र साधु तनुभृन्मात्रः प्रयत्नं विना
207. The blissful sheath (Anandamaya Kosa) is that
modification of nescience which manifests itself catching
a reflection of the Atman which is Bliss Absolute; whose
attributes are pleasure and the rest; and which appears in
view when some object agreeable to oneself presents itself.
It makes itself spontaneously felt by the fortunate during
the fruition of their virtuous deeds; from which every
corporeal being derives great joy without the least effort.
[Modification etc.-The experience of the Sugupti state will be
spoken of in the next śloka as the typical enjoyment of the Inandamaya
Kola. And deep sleep is always a state of intense ignorance. Hence
this sheath must be a modification of nescience.
2Pleasure etc.-The reference is to Taittiriya, II. 5, where Priya,
Moda and Pramoda (various degrees of enjoyment) are said to be attributes
of the Anandamaya Kofa. ]