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200-201. Previous non-existence, even though begin-
ningless, is observed to have an end. So the Jivahood
which is imagined to be in the Atman through its relation
with superimposed attributes such as the buddhi, is not
real; whereas the other (the Atman) is essentially different
from it. The relation between the Atman and the buddhi
is due to a false knowledge.
[Superimposed attributes-Just as a crystal placed near a red flower
appears to be red; or as when, looking at a thing behind a curtain
through an aperture of increasing size, we see more and more of the
thing behind; but we erroneously think that the thing is growing,
whereas, in reality, all the change takes place in the curtain only.
Similarly, we see the Atman through the covering of the Prakrti or
Nature, of which the buddhi etc. are manifestations, and Nature, which
is continually changing, leads us to think that the Atman back of it is
changing too, which is a mistake. ]
विनिवृत्तिर्भवेत्तस्य सम्यग्ज्ञानेन नान्यथा ।
ब्रह्मात्मैकत्वविज्ञानं सम्यग्ज्ञानं श्रुतेर्मतम् ॥ २२ ॥
202. The cessation of that superimposition takes place
through perfect knowledge, and by no other means. Perfect
knowledge, according to the Srutis, consists in the realiza-
tion of the identity of the individual soul and Brahman.
तदात्मानात्मनोः सम्यग्विवेकेनैव सिध्यति ।
ततो विवेकः कर्तव्यः प्रत्यगात्मसदात्मनोः ॥ २०३ ॥
203. This realization is attained by a perfect discrimina-
tion between the Self and the non-Self. Therefore, one
must strive for the discrimination between the individual
soul and the eternal Self.