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ज्ञानक्रियावान हमित्यजस्रं
भृशम् ॥ १८५ ॥
185. This knowledge sheath, which seems to be fol-
lowed by a reflection of the power of the Cit, is a modi-
fication of the Prakṛti, is endowed with the function of
knowledge, and always wholly identifies itself with the
body, organs, etc.
[Followed etc.-The knowledge sheath is in reality material and
insentient, but a reflection of the Cit or Atman makes it appear as
2 Modification etc. - And therefore insentient. ]
अनादिकालोऽयम हंस्वभावो
जीव: समस्तव्यवहारवोढा ।
करोति कर्माण्यपि पूर्ववासनः
पुण्यान्यपुण्यानि च तत्फलानि ॥ १८६ ॥
भुङ्क्ते विचित्रास्वपि योनिषु व्रज-
नायाति निर्यात्यध ऊर्ध्वमेषः ।
अस्यैव विज्ञानमयस्य जाग्रत्-
स्वप्नाद्यवस्था: सुखदुःखभोगः ॥ १८७ ॥
186-187. It is without beginning, characterised by
egoism, is called the Jiva, and carries on all the activities
on the relative plane. Through previous desirest it per-
forms good and evil actions and experiences their results.
Being born in various bodies, it comes 2 and goes, up and
down. It is this knowledge sheath that has the waking,
dream, and other states, and experiences joy and grief.