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mind is thoroughly purified through sädhand or discipline, the glory of
the Atman manifests itself. This is said to be libération.
Destroyed-In the highest or Nirvikalpa Samādhi.]
स्वप्नेऽयं शून्ये सृजति स्वशक्त्या
भोक्त्रादिविश्वं मन एव सर्वम् ।
तथैव जाग्रत्यपि नो विशेष-
but gift di Lot
स्तत्सर्वमेतन्मनसो विजृम्भणम् ॥ १७० ॥
170. In dreams, when there is no actual contact with
the external world, the mind alone creates the whole
universe consisting of the experiencer etc. Similarly, in
the waking state also, there is no difference. Therefore all
this (phenomenal universe) is the projection of the mind.
[IThe experiencer etc. - That is, the experiencer, the experienced,
and experience: subject, object, and their coming into relation.]
सुषुप्तिकाले मनसि प्रलीने
नैवास्ति किञ्चित्सकलप्रसिद्धेः ।
अतो मनःकल्पित एव पुंस:
संसार एतस्य न वस्तुतोऽस्ति ॥ १७१ ॥
171. In dreamless sleep, when the mind is reduced to
its causal state, there exists nothing (for the person asleep),
as is evident from universal experience. Hence man's
relative existence is simply the creation of his mind, and
has no objective reality.
[1Universal experience - The subjoct has boen touched on already.
See Moka 121.1