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पञ्चेन्द्रियैः पञ्चभिरेव होतृभिः
प्रचीयमानो विषयाज्यधारया ।
जाज्वल्यमानो बहुवासनेन्धनं-
मंनोमयाग्निर्वहति प्रपञ्चम् ॥ १६८ ॥
168. The mental sheath is the (sacrificial) fire which,
fed with the fuel of numerous desires by the five sense-
organs which serve as priests, and set ablaze by the sense-
objects which act as the stream of oblations, brings about
this phenomenal universe.
olot [The sacrificial fire confers on the Yajamana, or the man who per-
forms the sacrifice, the enjoyments of the heavenly spheres. So the mind
also confers on the Jiva or individual soul the pleasures of the objective
न ह्यस्त्यविद्या मनसोऽतिरिक्ता
मनो ह्यविद्या भवबन्धहेतुः ।
तस्मिन्विनष्टे सकलं विनष्टं
It is the mind that projects the objective universe this is the plain
meaning. Sce loka 170.]
विजृम्भितेऽस्मिन्सकलं विजृम्भते ॥ १६९ ॥
169. There is no ignorance (Avidyā) outside the mind.
The mind alone is Avidya, the cause of the bondage of
transmigration. When that is destroyed, all else is de-
stroyed, and when it is manifested, everything else is mani-
[According to the Vedanta, there is actual change in the Self,
which is by nature pure and perfect. It is ignorance or Avidyd that has
covered Its vision, so to say, and It appears as limited and subject to
change. Now, this ignorance is imbedded in the mind, and when the