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देहात्मधीरेव नृणामसद्धियां
जन्मादिदुःखप्रभवस्य बीजम् ।
यतस्ततस्त्वं जहि तां प्रयत्ना-
त्यक्ते तु चित्ते न पुनर्भवाशा ॥ १६४ ॥
Identification with the body alone is the root that
produces the misery of birth etc. of people who are attached
to the unreal; therefore destroy thou this with the utmost
care. When this identification caused by the mind is given
up, there is no more chance for rebirth.
[Compare Chhāndogya, VIII. xii. 1.]
कर्मेन्द्रियैः पञ्चभिरञ्चितोऽयं
प्राणो भवेत्प्राणमयस्तु कोश: ॥
येनात्मवानन्न मयोऽनुपूर्णः
प्रवर्ततेऽसौ सकलक्रियासु ॥ १६५ ॥
The Prāna, with which we are all familiar, coupled
with the five organs of action, forms the vital sheath,
permeated² by which the material sheath3 engages itself in
all activities as if it were living. to an
[JOrgans etc. - The brain centres which control speech, manual
activity, locomotion, excretion, and reproduction. See Moka 92. TIE
2 Permeated etc.- This activity, again, is a borrowed one, as will
appear from the last line of the next éloka.
3 Material sheath-Described in slokas 154 and following.
For a description of the five Kolas (sheaths) the reader is referred
to Taittirāya second chapter.]