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विलक्षणं वेत्ति विचारशीलो
निजस्वरूपं परमार्थंभूतम् ॥ १५९ ॥
159. It is the foolish man who identifies himself with a
mass of skin, flesh, fat, bones, and filth, while the man of
discrimination knows his own Self, the only Reality that
there is, as distinct from the body.
QURULU Lodi bre
देहोऽहमित्येव जडस्य बुद्धि-
देंहे च जीवे विदुषस्त्वहंधीः ।
विवेकविज्ञानवतो महात्मनो
'ब्रह्माहमित्येव मतिः सदात्मनि ॥ १६० ॥
160. The stupid man thinks he is the body, the book-
learned man identifies himself with the mixture of body
and soul, while the sage possessed of realization due to dis-
crimination looks upon the eternal Atman as his Self, and
thinks, "I am Brahman".
[Three classes of people are distinguished in this loka, of whom
the Advaitist is of course given the highest place.
1Mixture etc.-The average man thinks he is both body and soul
acting in unison.]
अत्रात्मबुद्धि त्यज मूढबुद्धे
त्वङ् मांस मेदोऽस्थि पुरीषराशौ ।
सर्वात्मनि ब्रह्मणि निर्विकल्पे
arlh fgbod-woberlk
कुरुष्व शांति परमां भजस्व ॥ १६१ ॥
161. O foolish person, cease to identify thyself with
this bundle of skin, flesh, fat, bones, and filth, and identify