2023-02-20 14:33:17 by ambuda-bot
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पाणिपादादिमान्देहो नात्मा व्यङ्गेऽपि जीवनात् ।
तत्तच्छक्तेरनाशाच्च न नियम्यो नियामकः ॥ १५६ ॥
156. The body, consisting of arms, legs, etc. cannot be
the Atman, for one continues to live even when particular
limbs are gone, and the different functions of the organism
also remain intact. The body which is subject to another's
rule cannot be the Self which is the Ruler of all..
[1 Functions-Other than those directly interfered with.]
देहतद्धर्मतत्कर्मतदवस्थादिसाक्षिणः ।
सत एव स्वतः सिद्धं तद्वैलक्षण्यमात्मनः ॥ १५७ ॥
57. That the Atman as the abiding Reality is different
from the body, its characteristics, 1 its activities, its states, 2
etc., of which It is the witness, is self-evident.
[ICharacteristics- Such as stoutness or leanness.
2 States-Boyhood, youth, etc. ]
शल्यराशिमांसलिप्तो मलपूर्णोऽतिकश्मलः ।
कथं भवेदयं वेत्ता स्वयमेतद्विलक्षणः ॥ १५८ ॥
158. How can the body, being a pack of bones, covered
with flesh, full of filth, and highly impure, be the self-
existent Ātman, the Knower, which is ever distinct from
वहंमत मूढजन: करोति ।
पाणिपादादिमान्देहो नात्मा व्यङ्गेऽपि जीवनात् ।
तत्तच्छक्तेरनाशाच्च न नियम्यो नियामकः ॥ १५६ ॥
156. The body, consisting of arms, legs, etc. cannot be
the Atman, for one continues to live even when particular
limbs are gone, and the different functions of the organism
also remain intact. The body which is subject to another's
rule cannot be the Self which is the Ruler of all..
[1 Functions-Other than those directly interfered with.]
देहतद्धर्मतत्कर्मतदवस्थादिसाक्षिणः ।
सत एव स्वतः सिद्धं तद्वैलक्षण्यमात्मनः ॥ १५७ ॥
57. That the Atman as the abiding Reality is different
from the body, its characteristics, 1 its activities, its states, 2
etc., of which It is the witness, is self-evident.
[ICharacteristics- Such as stoutness or leanness.
2 States-Boyhood, youth, etc. ]
शल्यराशिमांसलिप्तो मलपूर्णोऽतिकश्मलः ।
कथं भवेदयं वेत्ता स्वयमेतद्विलक्षणः ॥ १५८ ॥
158. How can the body, being a pack of bones, covered
with flesh, full of filth, and highly impure, be the self-
existent Ātman, the Knower, which is ever distinct from
वहंमत मूढजन: करोति ।