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3Stalk etc.- Compare Katha, II. iii. 17.
4Merging etc.-Knowing that only the Atman manifests Itself
through name and form.]
देहोऽयमन्नभवनोऽन्नमयस्तु कोश-
श्चान्नेन जीवति विनश्यति तद्विहीनः ।
त्वक्चर्मंमांसरुधिरास्थिपुरीषराशि- :
नयं स्वयं भवितुमर्हति नित्यशुद्ध: ॥ १५४ ॥
154. This body of ours is the product of food and
comprises the material sheath; it lives on food and dies
without it; it is a mass of skin, flesh, blood, bones, and
filth, and can never be the eternally pure, self-existent
[1Food-That built up the parent-bodies.]
पूर्वं जनेरधिमृतेरपि नायमस्ति
जातक्षणः क्षणगुणोऽनियतस्वभावः ।
नैको जडश्च घटवत्प॑रिदृश्यमानः
स्वात्मा कथं भवति भावविकारवेत्ता ॥ १५५ ॥
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155. It does not exist prior to inception or posterior to
dissolution, but lasts only for a short (intervening) period;
its virtues are transient, and it is changeful by nature; it is
manifold, 1 inert, and is a sense-object, like a jar; how can
it be one's own Self, the Witness of changes in all things?
[1Manifold-Not a simple, but subject to constant transforma-