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146. This bondage of the non-Self springs from igno-
rance, is self-caused, 1 and is described as without beginning
and end.2 It subjects one to the long train of miseries such
as birth, death, disease, and decrepitude.
[1Self-caused- Not depending upon any other cause.
21Without end-Relatively speaking. On the realization of the Self
it disappears.]
नास्त्रैर्न शस्त्रैरनिलेन वह्निना
छेत्तुं न शक्यो न च कर्मकोटिभिः ।
विवेकविज्ञानमहासिना विना
धातुः प्रसादेन शितेन मञ्जुना ॥ १४७ ॥
This bondage can be destroyed neither by weapons
nor by wind, nor by fire, nor by millions of actsl-by
nothing except the wonderful sword of knowledge that
comes of discrimination, sharpened by the grace of the
[1Acts - Enjoined by the scriptures, and done with motives.
2Grace etc.- An echo of Katha, I. ii. 20. The Sruti has also a
different reading
- धातुप्रसादात् – which means, "through the purity of
the mind, organs, etc."- This meaning is also suggested here.]
श्रुतिप्रमाणकमतेः स्वधर्म-
निष्ठा तयैवात्मविशुद्धिरस्य ।
विशुद्धबुद्धेः परमात्मवेदनं
तेनैव संसारसमूलनाश: ॥ १४८ ॥
148. One who is passionately devoted to the authority
of the Srutis acquires steadiness in his Svadharma, which