2023-02-20 14:33:16 by ambuda-bot
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falsely identifies himself with this body, which is the non-
Self. And then the great power of rajas called the project-
ing power¹ sorely afflicts him through the binding fetters
of lust, anger, etc.
[1Projecting power-See note 1 on sloka 111.]
घियो नानावस्थां स्वयमभिनयंस्तद्गुणतया ।
अपारे संसारे विषयविषपूरे जलनिधौ
निमज्योन्मज्यायं भ्रमति कुमतिः कुत्सितगतिः
॥ १४१ ॥
141. The man of perverted intellect, having his Self-
knowledge swallowed up by the shark of utter ignorance,
himself imitates the various states of the intellect (buddhi),
as that is Its superimposed attribute, and drifts up and
down² in this boundless ocean of Samsara which is full of
the poison of sense-cnjoyment, now sinking, now rising-
a miserable fate indeed!
[1Himself imitates etc. - The Self is the real nature of every being,
but a mistaken identification with the intellect causes him to appear as
if he were active. See note 3 on sloka 135.
2Up and down-Acquiring different bodies such as the angelic or
the animal, according to his good or bad deeds, and enjoying or suffer-
ing therein.
3Sansāra-The entire relative existence.]
भानुप्रभासंजनिता भ्रपङ्क्ति-
र्भानुं तिरोघाय विजृम्भते यथा ।
falsely identifies himself with this body, which is the non-
Self. And then the great power of rajas called the project-
ing power¹ sorely afflicts him through the binding fetters
of lust, anger, etc.
[1Projecting power-See note 1 on sloka 111.]
घियो नानावस्थां स्वयमभिनयंस्तद्गुणतया ।
अपारे संसारे विषयविषपूरे जलनिधौ
निमज्योन्मज्यायं भ्रमति कुमतिः कुत्सितगतिः
॥ १४१ ॥
141. The man of perverted intellect, having his Self-
knowledge swallowed up by the shark of utter ignorance,
himself imitates the various states of the intellect (buddhi),
as that is Its superimposed attribute, and drifts up and
down² in this boundless ocean of Samsara which is full of
the poison of sense-cnjoyment, now sinking, now rising-
a miserable fate indeed!
[1Himself imitates etc. - The Self is the real nature of every being,
but a mistaken identification with the intellect causes him to appear as
if he were active. See note 3 on sloka 135.
2Up and down-Acquiring different bodies such as the angelic or
the animal, according to his good or bad deeds, and enjoying or suffer-
ing therein.
3Sansāra-The entire relative existence.]
भानुप्रभासंजनिता भ्रपङ्क्ति-
र्भानुं तिरोघाय विजृम्भते यथा ।