2023-02-20 14:33:15 by ambuda-bot
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एषोऽन्तरात्मा पुरुष: पुराणो
सदैकरूप: प्रतिबोधमात्रो
येनेपिता वागसवश्चरन्ति ॥ १३१ ॥
131. This is the innermost Self, the primeval Purusa
(Being), whose essence is the constant realization of infinite
Bliss, which is ever the same, yet reflecting2 through the
different mental modifications, and commanded by which
the organs and Prinas perform their functions.
[Unnermost Self---Vide Byhadirapyaka, III. iv. and elsewhere.
Reflecting etc. -Compare Kena, 11.4.
3Conunanded etc.-See the opening sloka of the same Upanigad
and the reply given to it later on.]
अत्रैव सत्त्वात्मनि धीगुहाया-
मव्याकृताकाश उरु प्रकाशः ।
आकाश उच्च रविवत्प्रकाशते
स्वतेजसा विश्वमिदं प्रकाशयन् ॥ १३२ ॥
132. In this very body, in the mind full of sattva, in
the secret chamber of the intellect, in the Akidu known
as the Unmanifested, the ātman, of charming splendour,
shines like the sun aloft, manifesting this universe through
Its own effulgence.
[This sloka gives a hint as to where to look for the Atman. First
of all there is the gross body; within this there is the mind or "inner
organ", of which buddhi or intelligence, characterised by determination,
is the most developed form; within buddhi again and pervading it, is
the causal body known as the Unmanifested. We must seck the Atman
एषोऽन्तरात्मा पुरुष: पुराणो
सदैकरूप: प्रतिबोधमात्रो
येनेपिता वागसवश्चरन्ति ॥ १३१ ॥
131. This is the innermost Self, the primeval Purusa
(Being), whose essence is the constant realization of infinite
Bliss, which is ever the same, yet reflecting2 through the
different mental modifications, and commanded by which
the organs and Prinas perform their functions.
[Unnermost Self---Vide Byhadirapyaka, III. iv. and elsewhere.
Reflecting etc. -Compare Kena, 11.4.
3Conunanded etc.-See the opening sloka of the same Upanigad
and the reply given to it later on.]
अत्रैव सत्त्वात्मनि धीगुहाया-
मव्याकृताकाश उरु प्रकाशः ।
आकाश उच्च रविवत्प्रकाशते
स्वतेजसा विश्वमिदं प्रकाशयन् ॥ १३२ ॥
132. In this very body, in the mind full of sattva, in
the secret chamber of the intellect, in the Akidu known
as the Unmanifested, the ātman, of charming splendour,
shines like the sun aloft, manifesting this universe through
Its own effulgence.
[This sloka gives a hint as to where to look for the Atman. First
of all there is the gross body; within this there is the mind or "inner
organ", of which buddhi or intelligence, characterised by determination,
is the most developed form; within buddhi again and pervading it, is
the causal body known as the Unmanifested. We must seck the Atman