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119. The traits of pure satival are cheerfulness, the
realization of one's own Self, supreme peace, contentment,
bliss, and steady devotion to the Atman, by which the
aspirant enjoys bliss everlasting.
[1Pure Sattva-Satrva unmixed with rajas and tamas.]
तत्कारणं नाम शरीरमात्मनः ।
सुषुप्तिरेतस्य विभक्त्यवस्था
प्रलीनसर्वेन्द्रिय बुद्धिवृत्तिः ॥ १२० ॥
120. This Undifferentiated, spoken of as the com-
pound of the three gunas, is the causal body of the soul.2
Profound sleep is its special state, in which the functions
of the mind and all its organs are suspended.3
[1Undifferentiated- Mentioned in lokas 108 and following.
Soul-Identifying itself through ignorance with this or the other
two bodies.
3Suspended- Not in perfect knowledge, as in Samādhi, but in
ignorance. This is the differentia between these two states.]
वजात्मनावस्थितिरेव बुद्धेः ।
सुषुप्तिरेतस्य किल प्रतीतिः
किंचिन्न वेद्मीति जगत्प्रसिद्धेः ॥ १२१ ॥
121. Profound sleep is the cessation of all kindst of
perception, in which the mind remains in a subtle, seed-
like form. The test of this is the universal verdict, 2"I did
not know anything then".