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धर्मा एते राजसाः पुम्प्रवृत्ति
र्यस्मादेषा तद्रजो बन्धहेतुः ॥ ११२ ॥
112. Lust, anger, avarice, arrogance, spite, egoism,
envy, jealousy, etc.-these are the dire attributes of rajas,
from which the worldly tendency of man is produced.
Therefore rajas is a cause of bondage.
एषाऽऽवृतिर्नाम तमोगुणस्य
शक्तिर्यया वस्त्ववभासतेऽन्यथा ।
सैषा निदानं पुरुषस्य संसृते-
र्विक्षेपशक्तेः प्रवणस्य हेतुः ॥ ११३ ॥
113. Avrti or the veiling power is the power of tamus,
which makes things appear other than what they are. It
is this that causes man's repeated transmigrations, and
starts the action of the projecting power (Vikgepa).
प्रज्ञावानपि पण्डितोऽपि चतुरोऽव्यत्यन्तसूक्ष्मात्मदृग्-
व्यालीढस्तमसा न वेत्ति बहुधा संबोधितोऽपि स्फुटम् ।
भ्रान्त्यारोपितमेव साधु कलयत्यालम्बते तद्गुणान्
हन्तासौ प्रबला दुरन्ततमसः शक्तिर्महत्यावृतिः
॥ ११४ ॥
114. Even wise and learned men and men who are
clever and adept in the vision of the exceedingly subtle
Atman, are overpowered by tamas and do not understand
the Atman, even though clearly explained in various ways.
What is simply superimposed by delusion, they consider