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विषयाणामानुकूल्ये सुखी दुःखी विपर्यये ।
सुखं दुःखं च तद्धर्मः सदानन्दस्य नात्मनः ॥ १०५ ॥
105. When sense-objects are favourable it becomes
happy, and it becomes miserable when the case is contrary.
So happiness and misery are characteristics of egoism, and
not of the ever-blissful Atman.
आत्मार्थं त्वेन हि प्रेयान्विषयो न स्वतः प्रियः ।
स्वत एव हि सर्वेषामात्मा प्रियतमो यतः
तत आत्मा सदानन्दो नास्य दुःखं कदाचन ॥ १०६ ।
106. Sense-objects are pleasurable only as dependent on
the Atman manifesting through them, and not inde-
pendently, because the Atman is by Its very nature the
most beloved of all. Therefore the ātman is ever blissful,
and never suffers misery.
[Vide Brhadāranyaka, II iv. - Yajñavalkya's teaching to his wife
यत्सुषुप्तौ निर्विषय आत्मानन्दोऽनुभूयते ।
श्रुतिः प्रत्यक्षमैतिह्यमनुमानं च जाग्रति ॥ १०७ ॥
107. That in profound sleep we experience the bliss of
the Atman independent of sense-objects, is clearly attested¹
by the Sruti, 2 direct perception, tradition, and inference.
[1Is clearly attested— Jagrati, which is a plural verb.
28ruti- Chhāndogya, Brhadāranyaka, Kauātaki, and other