2023-02-20 14:33:13 by ambuda-bot
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यस्मादसङ्गस्तत एव कर्मभि
र्न लिप्यते किञ्चिदुपाधिना कृतैः ॥ ९९ ॥
98-99. Dream is a state of the soul distinct from the
waking state, where it shines by itself. In dreams buddhi,1
by itself, 2 takes on the role of the agent and the like,
owing to various latent impressions of the waking state,
while the supreme Atman shines in Its own glory-with
buddhi as Its only superimposition, the witness of every-
thing, and is not touched by the least work that buddhi
does. As It is wholly unattached, It is not touched by any
work that Its superimpositions may perform.
[Buddini-Here stands for the antahkarana, the "inner organ" or
By itself-Independently of the objective world.
3Takes an etc - The ātman is the one intelligent principle, and
whatever buddhi docs, it does borrowing the light of the Atman.]
सर्वव्यापृतिकरणं लिङ्गमिदं स्याच्चिदात्मनः पुंसः ।
वास्यादिकमिव तक्ष्णस्तेनैवात्मा भवत्यसङ्गोऽयम् ॥ १००।
100. This subtle body is the instrument for all activities
of the Atman, who is Knowledge Absolute, like the adze
and other tools of a carpenter. Therefore this Ātman is
perfectly unattached.
सौगुण्यवंगुण्यवशाद्धि चक्षुषः ।
श्रोत्रादिधर्मा न तु वेत्तुरात्मनः ॥ १०१ ॥
यस्मादसङ्गस्तत एव कर्मभि
र्न लिप्यते किञ्चिदुपाधिना कृतैः ॥ ९९ ॥
98-99. Dream is a state of the soul distinct from the
waking state, where it shines by itself. In dreams buddhi,1
by itself, 2 takes on the role of the agent and the like,
owing to various latent impressions of the waking state,
while the supreme Atman shines in Its own glory-with
buddhi as Its only superimposition, the witness of every-
thing, and is not touched by the least work that buddhi
does. As It is wholly unattached, It is not touched by any
work that Its superimpositions may perform.
[Buddini-Here stands for the antahkarana, the "inner organ" or
By itself-Independently of the objective world.
3Takes an etc - The ātman is the one intelligent principle, and
whatever buddhi docs, it does borrowing the light of the Atman.]
सर्वव्यापृतिकरणं लिङ्गमिदं स्याच्चिदात्मनः पुंसः ।
वास्यादिकमिव तक्ष्णस्तेनैवात्मा भवत्यसङ्गोऽयम् ॥ १००।
100. This subtle body is the instrument for all activities
of the Atman, who is Knowledge Absolute, like the adze
and other tools of a carpenter. Therefore this Ātman is
perfectly unattached.
सौगुण्यवंगुण्यवशाद्धि चक्षुषः ।
श्रोत्रादिधर्मा न तु वेत्तुरात्मनः ॥ १०१ ॥