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अत्राभिमानादहमित्यहंकृतिः ।
स्वार्थानुसन्धानगुणेन चित्तम् ॥ ९४ ॥
93-94. The inner organ (antahkarana) is called manas,
buddhi, ego or citta, according to their respective func-
tions: Manas, from its considering the pros and cons of a
thing; Buddhi, from its property of determining the truth
of objects; the ego, from its identification with this body
as one's own self; and Citta, from its function of re-
membering things it is interested in.
प्राणापानव्यानोदानसमाना भवत्यसौ प्राणः ।
वृत्तिभेदाद्विकृतिभेदात्सुवर्णसलिलादिवत् ॥ ९५॥
95. One and the same Prāņa (vital force) becomes
Prūna, Apūna, Vyāna, Udāna, and Samāna according to
their diversity of functions and modifications, like gold,¹
water, etc.
[¹Like gold etc.-Just as the same gold is fashioned into various
ornaments, and as water takes the form of foam, waves, etc.]
वागादि पञ्च श्रवणादि पञ्च
प्राणादि पञ्चा भ्रमुखानि पञ्च ।
बुद्ध याद्यविद्यापि च कामकर्मणी
पुर्यष्टकं सूक्ष्मशरीरमाहुः ॥ ९६ ॥
96. The five organs of action such as speech, the five
organs of knowledge such as the ear, the group of five
Pranas the five elements ending with the ether, together
with buddhi and the rest as also nescience, desire and