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78. He who is free from the tetrible snare of the hanker-
ing after sense-objects, so very difficult to get rid of, is
alone fit for liberation, and none else-even though he be
versed in all the six Sastras.1
[ASix Sāstras-The six schools of Indian philosophy. Mere book-
learning without the heart's yearning for emancipation does not produce
any effect.]
आपातवैराग्यवतो मुमुक्षून्
भवाब्धिपारं प्रतियातुमुद्यतान् ।
आशाग्रहो मज्जयतेऽन्तराले
निगृह्य कण्ठे विनिवर्त्य वेगात् ॥ ७९ ॥
79. The shark of hankering catches by the throat those
seekers after liberation who have got only an apparent
dispassion (vairāgya) and are trying to cross the ocean of
Samsāra (relative existence), and violently snatching! them
away, drowns them half-way.
[1Snatching etc. - From the pursuit of the knowledge of Brahman.]
विषयाख्यग्रहो येन सुविरक्त्यसिना हतः ।
स गच्छति भवाम्भोघेः पारं प्रत्यूहवर्जितः ॥ ८० ॥
80. He who has killed the shark known as sense-object
with the sword of mature dispassion, crosses the ocean of
Samsūra, free from all obstacles.
प्रतिपदमभियातो मृत्युरप्येष विद्धि ।