2023-02-20 14:33:11 by ambuda-bot
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Puruşa. The Sankhyas also believe in a plurality of souls. These are
the main differences between the Sankhya and Vedanta philosophics.
4Work- Work for material ends, such as getting to heaven and so
forth, is meant.
Compare Svetāsvatara, III. 8-"Seeing Him alone one transcends
death, there is no other way."]
वीणाया रूपसौन्दर्य तन्त्रीवादनसौष्ठवम् ।
• प्रजारञ्जनमात्रं तन्न साम्राज्याय कल्पते ॥ ५७ ॥
57. The beauty of a guitar's form and the skill of
playing on its chords serve merely to please a few persons;
they do not suffice to confer sovereignty.
वाग्वैखरी शब्दझरी शास्त्रव्याख्यानकौशलम् ।
वैदुष्यं विदुषां तद्वद्भुक्तये न तु मुक्तये ॥ ५८ ॥
58. Loud speecht consisting of a shower of words, the
skill in expounding the scriptures, and likewise erudition-
these merely bring on a little personal enjoyment to the
scholar, but are no good for liberation.
[Book-learning, to the exclusion of realization, is deprecated in this
and the following ślokas.
1Loud speech-Speech is divided into four kinds according to its
degree of subtlety. Vaikhari is the lowest class, and represents articulate
speech. Hence, dabbling in mere words is meant.]
अविज्ञाते परे तत्त्वे शास्त्रावी
तिस्तु निष्फला ।
विज्ञातेऽपि परे तत्त्वे शास्त्राधीतिस्तु निष्फला ॥ ५९ ॥
59. The study of the scriptures is useless so long as
the highest Truth is unknown, and it is equally useless
when the highest Truth has already been known.
Puruşa. The Sankhyas also believe in a plurality of souls. These are
the main differences between the Sankhya and Vedanta philosophics.
4Work- Work for material ends, such as getting to heaven and so
forth, is meant.
Compare Svetāsvatara, III. 8-"Seeing Him alone one transcends
death, there is no other way."]
वीणाया रूपसौन्दर्य तन्त्रीवादनसौष्ठवम् ।
• प्रजारञ्जनमात्रं तन्न साम्राज्याय कल्पते ॥ ५७ ॥
57. The beauty of a guitar's form and the skill of
playing on its chords serve merely to please a few persons;
they do not suffice to confer sovereignty.
वाग्वैखरी शब्दझरी शास्त्रव्याख्यानकौशलम् ।
वैदुष्यं विदुषां तद्वद्भुक्तये न तु मुक्तये ॥ ५८ ॥
58. Loud speecht consisting of a shower of words, the
skill in expounding the scriptures, and likewise erudition-
these merely bring on a little personal enjoyment to the
scholar, but are no good for liberation.
[Book-learning, to the exclusion of realization, is deprecated in this
and the following ślokas.
1Loud speech-Speech is divided into four kinds according to its
degree of subtlety. Vaikhari is the lowest class, and represents articulate
speech. Hence, dabbling in mere words is meant.]
अविज्ञाते परे तत्त्वे शास्त्रावी
तिस्तु निष्फला ।
विज्ञातेऽपि परे तत्त्वे शास्त्राधीतिस्तु निष्फला ॥ ५९ ॥
59. The study of the scriptures is useless so long as
the highest Truth is unknown, and it is equally useless
when the highest Truth has already been known.