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Puruşa. The Sankhyas also believe in a plurality of souls. These are
the main differences between the Sankhya and Vedanta philosophics.
4Work- Work for material ends, such as getting to heaven and so
forth, is meant.
Compare Svetāsvatara, III. 8-"Seeing Him alone one transcends
death, there is no other way."]
वीणाया रूपसौन्दर्य तन्त्रीवादनसौष्ठवम् ।
• प्रजारञ्जनमात्रं तन्न साम्राज्याय कल्पते ॥ ५७ ॥
57. The beauty of a guitar's form and the skill of
playing on its chords serve merely to please a few persons;
they do not suffice to confer sovereignty.
वाग्वैखरी शब्दझरी शास्त्रव्याख्यानकौशलम् ।
वैदुष्यं विदुषां तद्वद्भुक्तये न तु मुक्तये ॥ ५८ ॥
58. Loud speecht consisting of a shower of words, the
skill in expounding the scriptures, and likewise erudition-
these merely bring on a little personal enjoyment to the
scholar, but are no good for liberation.
[Book-learning, to the exclusion of realization, is deprecated in this
and the following ślokas.
1Loud speech-Speech is divided into four kinds according to its
degree of subtlety. Vaikhari is the lowest class, and represents articulate
speech. Hence, dabbling in mere words is meant.]
अविज्ञाते परे तत्त्वे शास्त्रावी
तिस्तु निष्फला ।
विज्ञातेऽपि परे तत्त्वे शास्त्राधीतिस्तु निष्फला ॥ ५९ ॥
59. The study of the scriptures is useless so long as
the highest Truth is unknown, and it is equally useless
when the highest Truth has already been known.