2023-02-20 14:33:09 by ambuda-bot
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शिष्य उवाच ।
कृपया श्रूयतां स्वामिन्प्रश्नोऽयं क्रियते मया ।
यदुत्तरमहं श्रुत्वा कृतार्थ: स्यां भवन्मुखात् ॥ ४८ ॥
The disciple said:
48. Condescend to listen, o Master, to the question I
am putting (to thee). I shall be gratified to hear a reply
to the same from thy lips.
को नाम बन्धः कथमेष आगतः
कथं प्रतिष्ठास्य कथं विमोक्षः ।
कोऽसावनात्मा परम: क आत्मा
तयोर्विवेकः कथमेतदुच्यताम् ॥ ४९ ॥
49. What is bondage, forsooth ? How has it come
(upon the Self) ? How does it continue to exist? How is
one freed from it? What is this non-Self? And who is
the Supreme Self? And how can one discriminate between
them ?-- Do tell me about all these.
श्रीगुरुरुवाच ।
धन्योऽसि कृतकृत्योऽसि पावितं ते कुलं त्वया ।
यदविद्याबन्धमुक्त्या ब्रह्मीभवितुमिच्छसि । ५० ॥
The Guru replied:
50. Blessed art thou! Thou hast achieved thy life's end
and hast sanctified thy family, that thou wishest to attain
Brahmanhood by getting free from the bondage of ig-
शिष्य उवाच ।
कृपया श्रूयतां स्वामिन्प्रश्नोऽयं क्रियते मया ।
यदुत्तरमहं श्रुत्वा कृतार्थ: स्यां भवन्मुखात् ॥ ४८ ॥
The disciple said:
48. Condescend to listen, o Master, to the question I
am putting (to thee). I shall be gratified to hear a reply
to the same from thy lips.
को नाम बन्धः कथमेष आगतः
कथं प्रतिष्ठास्य कथं विमोक्षः ।
कोऽसावनात्मा परम: क आत्मा
तयोर्विवेकः कथमेतदुच्यताम् ॥ ४९ ॥
49. What is bondage, forsooth ? How has it come
(upon the Self) ? How does it continue to exist? How is
one freed from it? What is this non-Self? And who is
the Supreme Self? And how can one discriminate between
them ?-- Do tell me about all these.
श्रीगुरुरुवाच ।
धन्योऽसि कृतकृत्योऽसि पावितं ते कुलं त्वया ।
यदविद्याबन्धमुक्त्या ब्रह्मीभवितुमिच्छसि । ५० ॥
The Guru replied:
50. Blessed art thou! Thou hast achieved thy life's end
and hast sanctified thy family, that thou wishest to attain
Brahmanhood by getting free from the bondage of ig-