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र्मुक्तेर्हेतून्वक्ति साक्षाच्छुतेर्गी: ।
यो वा एतेष्वेव तिष्ठत्यमुष्य
मोक्षोऽविद्याकल्पिताद्देहबन्धात् ॥ ४६ ॥
46. Faith, devotion, and the yoga of meditation-
these are mentioned by the Sruti as the immediate factors
of liberation in the case of a secker; whoever abides in
these gets liberation from the bondage² of the body, which
is the conjuring of ignorance.
[The reference is to Kaivalya Upanisad, 1.2.
1Faith- Sraddhi, devotion- Bhakti. These have been defined in
alokas 25, 31, and 32
2 Bonlage etc. - That is, identification of the Self with the body,
which is solely due to ignorance or Avidyā.]
ह्यनात्मवन्धस्तत एव संसृतिः ।
रज्ञानकार्य प्रदहेत्समूलम् ॥ ४७ ॥

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47. It is verily through the touch of ignorance that
thou who art the Supreme Self findest thyself under the
bondage of the non-Self, whence alone proceeds the round
of births and deaths. The fire of knowledge, kindled by
the discrimination between these two, burns up the effects
of ignorance together with their root.