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443. If it be urged that he is still attached to the sense-
objects through the momentum of his old desires, the reply
is-an, for desires get weakened through the realization
of one's identity with Brahman.
अत्यन्तकामुकस्यापि वृत्तिः कुण्ठति मातरि ।.
तथैव ब्रह्मणि ज्ञाते पूर्णानन्दे मनीषिणः ॥ ४४४ ॥
444. The propensitics of even a confirmed libertine
are checked in the presence of his mother; just so, when
Brahman, the Bliss Absolute, has been realized, the man
of realization has no longer any worldly tendency.
निदिध्यासनशीलस्य बाह्यप्रत्यय ईक्ष्यते ।
ब्रवीति श्रुतिरेतस्य प्रारब्धं फलदर्शनात् ॥ ४४५ ॥
445. One who is constantly practising meditation is
observed to have external perceptions.1 The Srutis2
mention Prürabdha work in the case of such a man, and
we can infer this from results actually seen.
[¹External perceptions-Such as satisfying the physical needs or
teaching enquirers.
2Srutis ctc.-The reference is to Chandogyc, Vi. xiv. 2: "The
delay in his (i.c. a Jilanin's) case is only so long as his body lasts, after
which he becomes one with Brahman."
3 Prärabdha work-The strong resulting impression of work done
in past lives which has engendered the present body (referred to in sloka
451). The other two kinds of work are the Sancita or accumulated
(mentioned in loka 447) and the Agami or yet to come (mentioned in
dicka 449).
Results etc.-The continuance of the body after realization, and
its experiences during that period, can only be explained by assuming
that the Prerabake continues to work. This is further explained in the
next dloka.]