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440. He who feels just the same when his body is either
worshipped by the good or tormented by the wicked, is
known as a man liberated-in-life.
यत्र प्रविष्टा विषया: परेरिता
नदीप्रवाहा इज वारिराशी ।
लिनन्ति सन्मावतया न विक्रिया-
मुत्पादयन्त्येष यतिविमुक्त: ॥ ४४१ ॥
441. The Sannyāsin in whom the sense-objects directed
by others are engulfed like flowing rivers in the sea and
produce no change, owing to his identity with the Existence
Absolute, is indeed liberated.
[1Directed by others-That is, which others thrust on him. What-
ever comes within his knowledge only strengthens his identity with
Brahman. ]
विज्ञातब्रह्मतत्त्वस्य यथापून संसृतिः ।
अस्ति चेन स विज्ञातबहाभावो बहिर्मुखः ॥ ४४२ ॥
442. For one who has realized the Truth of Brahman,
there is no more attachment to the sense-objects as before:
If there is, that man has not realized his identity with
Brahman, but is one whose senses are outgoing in their
[1ls one etc. -Is an ordinary sense-bound man.]
प्राचीनवासनावेगादसी संसरतीति चेत् ।
न सकत्व विज्ञानान्मन्दी भवति वासना ॥ ४४३ ॥