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[The characteristics of a man of realization are set forth in this and
the next few slokas. Compare Gi25, I1. 55-68.1
ब्रह्मात्मनो: शोधितयोरेकभावावगाहिनी ।
निर्विकल्पा च चिन्मात्रा वृत्तिः प्रज्ञेति कथ्यते ।
सुस्थिताऽसौ भवेद्यस्य स्थितप्रज्ञः स उच्यते ॥ ४२७ ॥
427. That kind of mental function which cognizes only
the identity of the Self and Brahman, purified of all
adjuncts, which is free from duality, and which concerns
itself only with Pure Intelligence, is called illumination.
He who has this perfectly steady is called a man of steady
[IPurified etc. - Eliminating the accidental adjuncts and meditating
on the common substratum, Bralunan the Absolute. See sloka 241 ]
यस्य स्थिता भवेत्प्रज्ञा यस्यानन्दो निरन्तरः ।
प्रपञ्चो विस्मृतप्रायः स जीवन्मुक्त इष्यते ॥ ४२८ ॥
428. He whose illumination is steady, who has constant
bliss, and who has almost forgotten the phenomenal
universe, is accepted as a man liberated in this very life.
लीनधीरपि जागति जाग्रद्धर्मविवर्जितः ।
बोधो निर्वासनो यस्य स जीवन्मुक्त इष्यते ॥ ४२९ ॥
429. Fie who, even having his mind merged in Brahman,
is nevertheless quite alert, but frce at the same time from
the characteristics 2 of the waking state, and whose realiza-
tion is free from desires, is accepted as a man liberated-in-