2023-02-20 14:33:32 by ambuda-bot
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[1Never more etc.-Not even on his return to the normal plane after
2 Visible etc.-It would not be perceived at all but for the effects of
Prārabdha work, which are experienced through the body. As it is, it is
just an appearance. ]
सततविमलबोधानन्दरूपं समेत्य
त्यज जडमलरूपोपाधिमेतं सुदूरे ।
अथ पुनरपि नैष स्मर्यंतां वान्तवस्तु
स्मरणविषयभूतं कल्पते कुत्सनाय ॥ ४१४ ॥
414. Realizing the ātman, the eternal, pure Knowledge
and Bliss, throw far away this limitation of a body, which
is inert and filthy by nature. Then remember it no more,
for something that has been vomited excites but disgust
when called to memory.
समूलमेतत्परिदाह्य वह्नी
सदात्मनि ब्रह्मणि निर्विकल्पे ।
ततः स्वयं नित्यविशद्धबोधा-
नन्दात्मना तिष्ठति विद्वरिष्ठ: ॥ ४१५ ॥
415. Burning all this, 1 with its very root, 2 in the fire
of Brahman, the Eternal and Absolute Self, the truly wise
man thereafter remains alone, as the Atman, the eternal,
pure Knowledge and Bliss.
[1All this-The objective universe-the non-Self.
2 Root- Nescience.]
[1Never more etc.-Not even on his return to the normal plane after
2 Visible etc.-It would not be perceived at all but for the effects of
Prārabdha work, which are experienced through the body. As it is, it is
just an appearance. ]
सततविमलबोधानन्दरूपं समेत्य
त्यज जडमलरूपोपाधिमेतं सुदूरे ।
अथ पुनरपि नैष स्मर्यंतां वान्तवस्तु
स्मरणविषयभूतं कल्पते कुत्सनाय ॥ ४१४ ॥
414. Realizing the ātman, the eternal, pure Knowledge
and Bliss, throw far away this limitation of a body, which
is inert and filthy by nature. Then remember it no more,
for something that has been vomited excites but disgust
when called to memory.
समूलमेतत्परिदाह्य वह्नी
सदात्मनि ब्रह्मणि निर्विकल्पे ।
ततः स्वयं नित्यविशद्धबोधा-
नन्दात्मना तिष्ठति विद्वरिष्ठ: ॥ ४१५ ॥
415. Burning all this, 1 with its very root, 2 in the fire
of Brahman, the Eternal and Absolute Self, the truly wise
man thereafter remains alone, as the Atman, the eternal,
pure Knowledge and Bliss.
[1All this-The objective universe-the non-Self.
2 Root- Nescience.]