2023-02-20 14:33:32 by ambuda-bot
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dhi, the
409. ह्यस्ति विश्वं परतत्त्वबोधात्
cause ancदात्मनि ब्रह्मणि निर्विकल्पे ।
tions, hot-ये नाप्यहिरीक्षितो गुणे
न ह्यम्बुबंदुर्मृगतृष्णिकायाम् ॥ ४०४ ॥
404. Even before the realization of the highest. Truth,
the universe does not exist in the Absolute Brahman, the
essence of Existence. In none of the three states of timel
is the snake ever observed in the rope. nor a drop of water
in the mirage.
[IThree states of time-Past, present, and future.]
मायामात्रमिदं द्वैतमद्वैतं परमार्थतः ।
इति ब्रूते श्रुतिः साक्षात्सुषुप्तावनुभूयते ॥ ४०५ ॥
The Srutis¹ themselves declare that this dualistic
41se is but a delusion from the standpoint of absolute
This is also experienced in the state of dreamless
[1 Srutis - Katha II.ii. 11 Brhadāranyaka, II.iv. 14, Mupdaka, II. ii,
Chāndogya, VI. Xiv., etc.]
अनन्यत्वमधिष्ठानादारोप्यस्य निरीक्षितम् ।
पण्डितं रज्जुसर्पादौ विकल्पो भ्रान्तिजीवन: ॥ ४०६ ॥
406. That which is superimposed upon something else
is observed by the wise to be identical with the substratum,
as in the case of the rope appearing as the snake. The
apparent differencel depends 2 solely on error.
dhi, the
409. ह्यस्ति विश्वं परतत्त्वबोधात्
cause ancदात्मनि ब्रह्मणि निर्विकल्पे ।
tions, hot-ये नाप्यहिरीक्षितो गुणे
न ह्यम्बुबंदुर्मृगतृष्णिकायाम् ॥ ४०४ ॥
404. Even before the realization of the highest. Truth,
the universe does not exist in the Absolute Brahman, the
essence of Existence. In none of the three states of timel
is the snake ever observed in the rope. nor a drop of water
in the mirage.
[IThree states of time-Past, present, and future.]
मायामात्रमिदं द्वैतमद्वैतं परमार्थतः ।
इति ब्रूते श्रुतिः साक्षात्सुषुप्तावनुभूयते ॥ ४०५ ॥
The Srutis¹ themselves declare that this dualistic
41se is but a delusion from the standpoint of absolute
This is also experienced in the state of dreamless
[1 Srutis - Katha II.ii. 11 Brhadāranyaka, II.iv. 14, Mupdaka, II. ii,
Chāndogya, VI. Xiv., etc.]
अनन्यत्वमधिष्ठानादारोप्यस्य निरीक्षितम् ।
पण्डितं रज्जुसर्पादौ विकल्पो भ्रान्तिजीवन: ॥ ४०६ ॥
406. That which is superimposed upon something else
is observed by the wise to be identical with the substratum,
as in the case of the rope appearing as the snake. The
apparent differencel depends 2 solely on error.