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द्रष्टृदर्शन दृश्यादिभावशून्यैकवस्तुनि
निर्विकारे निराकारे निर्विशेषे भिदा कुतः ॥ ४०० ॥
400. In the One Entity devoid of the concepts of secr, J
seeing, and seen-which is changeless, formless, and
Absolute-whence can there be any diversity ?
[1 Seer etc. - Of which the phenomenal world consists.]
कल्पार्णव इवात्यन्तपरिपूर्णैकवस्तुनि ।
निविकारे निराकारे निर्विशेषे भिदा कुतः । ४०१ ॥
401. In the One Entity which is changeless, formless,
and Absolute, and which is perfectly all-pervading and
motionless like the ocean after the dissolution of the uni-
verse, whence can there be any diversity?
तेजसीव तमो यत्र प्रलीनं भ्रान्तिकारणम् ।
अद्वितीये परे तत्त्वे निर्विशेपे भिदा कुतः ॥ ४०२ ॥
402. Where the root of delusion is dissolved like dark-
ness in light in the Supreme Reality, the One without a
second, the Absolute-whence can there be any diversity?
11 Root of delusion-Ignorance.]
एकात्मके परे तत्त्वे भेदवार्ता कथं वसेत् ।
सुपुप्ती सुखमात्रायां भेदः केनावलोकितः ॥ ४०३ ॥
403. How can the talk of diversity apply to the Supreme
Reality which is one and homogeneous? Who has ever
observed diversity in the unmixed bliss of the state of
profound sleep?