2023-02-20 14:33:30 by ambuda-bot
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nally and externally, and always fix thy mind on the eternal
[Suzerainty etc. - Because the realization of the Self, the One with-
out a second, is the real independence, for it is everlasting Bliss, which
there is nobody to dispute. ]
आशां छिन्द्धि विषोपमेष-विषयेष्वेषैव मृत्योः कृति-
स्त्यक्ता जातिकुलाश्रमेष्वभिमति मुञ्चातिवरात्क्रियाः ।
देहादावसति त्यजात्मविषणां प्रज्ञां कुरुष्वात्मनि
त्वं द्रष्टास्यमनोऽसि निर्द्वयपरं ब्रह्मासि यद्वस्तुतः ॥३७७॥
377. Sever thy craving for the sense-objects, which are
like poison, for it is the very image of death, and giving
up thy pride of caste, family and order of life, fling actions
to a distance. Give up.thy identification with such unreal
things as the body, and fix thy mind on the Atman. For
thou art really the Witness, Brahman, unshackled by the
mind, the One without a second, and Supreme.
लक्ष्ये ब्रह्मणि मानसं दृढतरं संस्थाप्य बाह्येन्द्रियं
स्वस्थाने विनिवेश्य निश्चलतनुश्चोपेक्ष्य देहस्थितिम् ।
ब्रह्मात्मैक्यमुपेत्य तन्मयतया चाखण्डवृत्त्याऽनिशं
ब्रह्मानन्दरसं पिबात्मनि मुदा शून्यैः किमन्यैर्भृशम् ॥३७८॥
378. Fixing the mind firmly on the Ideal, Brahman,
and restraining the external organs in their respective
centres; with the body held steady and taking no thought
for its maintenance; attaining identity with Brahman and
being one with It-always drink joyfully of the Bliss of
nally and externally, and always fix thy mind on the eternal
[Suzerainty etc. - Because the realization of the Self, the One with-
out a second, is the real independence, for it is everlasting Bliss, which
there is nobody to dispute. ]
आशां छिन्द्धि विषोपमेष-विषयेष्वेषैव मृत्योः कृति-
स्त्यक्ता जातिकुलाश्रमेष्वभिमति मुञ्चातिवरात्क्रियाः ।
देहादावसति त्यजात्मविषणां प्रज्ञां कुरुष्वात्मनि
त्वं द्रष्टास्यमनोऽसि निर्द्वयपरं ब्रह्मासि यद्वस्तुतः ॥३७७॥
377. Sever thy craving for the sense-objects, which are
like poison, for it is the very image of death, and giving
up thy pride of caste, family and order of life, fling actions
to a distance. Give up.thy identification with such unreal
things as the body, and fix thy mind on the Atman. For
thou art really the Witness, Brahman, unshackled by the
mind, the One without a second, and Supreme.
लक्ष्ये ब्रह्मणि मानसं दृढतरं संस्थाप्य बाह्येन्द्रियं
स्वस्थाने विनिवेश्य निश्चलतनुश्चोपेक्ष्य देहस्थितिम् ।
ब्रह्मात्मैक्यमुपेत्य तन्मयतया चाखण्डवृत्त्याऽनिशं
ब्रह्मानन्दरसं पिबात्मनि मुदा शून्यैः किमन्यैर्भृशम् ॥३७८॥
378. Fixing the mind firmly on the Ideal, Brahman,
and restraining the external organs in their respective
centres; with the body held steady and taking no thought
for its maintenance; attaining identity with Brahman and
being one with It-always drink joyfully of the Bliss of