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then the mind, being unstable by nature, is apt to be mixed
up with other perceptions.
अतः समाधत्स्व यतेन्द्रिय: सन्
निरन्तरं शान्तमनाः प्रतीचि ।
विध्वंसय ध्वान्तमनाद्यविद्यया
कृतं सदेकत्वविलोकनेन ॥ ३६६ ॥
366. Hence, with the mind calm and the senses con-
trolled, always drown the mind in the Supreme Self that
is within, and through the realization of thy identity with
that Reality destroy the darkness created by nescience,
.. which is without beginning.
योगस्य प्रथमद्वारं वाङ्निरोघोऽपरिग्रहः ।
निराशा च निरीहा च नित्यमेकान्तशीलता ॥ ३६७ ॥
367. The first steps to yoga are control of speech, non-
receiving of gifts, entertaining of no expectations, freedom
from activity, and always living in a retired place.
Gifis-That is, superiluous gifts. ]
एकान्तस्थितिरिन्द्रियोपरमणे हेतुर्दमश्चेतसः
संरोधे करणं शमेन विलयं यायादहंवासना ।
तेनानन्दरसानुभूतिरचला ब्राह्मी सदा योगिनः
तस्माच्चित्तनिरोध एव सततं कार्य: प्रयत्नो मुनेः
॥ ३६८ ॥