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स्तत्त्वज्ञैः करणीयमात्मनि सदानन्देच्छुभिर्यत्नतः
॥ ३४० ॥
340. How is the exclusion of the objective world possi-
ble for one who lives identified with the body, whose mind
is attached to the perception of external objects, and who
performs various acts for that end? This exclusion should
be carefully practised by sages who have renounced all
kinds of duties and actions 2 and objects, 3 who are pas-
sionately devoted to the eternal Atman, and who wish to
possess an undying bliss.
[1Duties-Belonging to various stations in lifc.
2Actions-Those that are enjoined and forbidden by the scriptures
as also actions undertaken for selfish ends.
3Objects- Sense-objects.]
सर्वात्मसिद्धये भिक्षोः कृतश्रवणकर्मणः ।
समाधिं विदधात्येषा शान्तो दान्त इति श्रुतिः ॥ ३४१ ॥
341. To the Sannyāsin who has gone through the act
of hearing, the Sruti passage, "Calm, 2 self-controlled, '
etc. prescribes Samadhi for realizing the identity of the
universe with the Self.
[1Hearing-The truth from the lips of the Guru, after the prescribed
2Calm etc. - The reference is to Brhadāranyaka, IV. iv. 23.]
आरूढशक्तेरहमो विनाश:
कर्तुन्न शक्यः सहसापि पण्डितः ।